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Server Transfer????/Legacy System


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1.Is there a time the developers have stated that server transfers would become available?

2. What would happen with the ;egacy system after 1.2 with a server transfer of an already lvl 50 character?

3. Until STs are available does anyone know if i have a lvl 50 BH on one server and a lvl 50 Sith Wrrior on another will the unlocks for legacy intermingle, or is it just for charcters you possess on a single server that the unlocks will pertain to?

4. Will we ever be able to change our legacy names, I know i would like to change all of my legacys. I have 3, (one lvl 50 on namadii corridor, a lvl 50 on Jung Ma, and i also have almost gotten to lvl 50 with a completely seperate account that pay for) Id like to one day be able to put them all in the same server at least. And possible be able to make them all have the same legacy name if STs were to come available.?



PS: Im sure some of these answers could be looked up possibly, not trying to make wasted thread space, im just leaving my computer after i type this up to go somewhere for a while and was just wanting to consolidate my questions and hopefully have answers when i got back. Thank you


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1.Is there a time the developers have stated that server transfers would become available?

2. What would happen with the ;egacy system after 1.2 with a server transfer of an already lvl 50 character?

3. Until STs are available does anyone know if i have a lvl 50 BH on one server and a lvl 50 Sith Wrrior on another will the unlocks for legacy intermingle, or is it just for charcters you possess on a single server that the unlocks will pertain to?

4. Will we ever be able to change our legacy names, I know i would like to change all of my legacys. I have 3, (one lvl 50 on namadii corridor, a lvl 50 on Jung Ma, and i also have almost gotten to lvl 50 with a completely seperate account that pay for) Id like to one day be able to put them all in the same server at least. And possible be able to make them all have the same legacy name if STs were to come available.?



PS: Im sure some of these answers could be looked up possibly, not trying to make wasted thread space, im just leaving my computer after i type this up to go somewhere for a while and was just wanting to consolidate my questions and hopefully have answers when i got back. Thank you



1. They're working on this now but no set time yet. They probably want to get 1.2 out of the way first.


2. I would like to know the answer to this as well. I started a SW on the server my guild was assigned to but a couple of friends of mine decided they didn't like pvp servers and rerolled on another, so now my "main" toons are on that one. But I would still like to bring my SW over. My guess is they will merge the transferring character into the legacy of the server it's joining.


3. Everything is isolated to the server that unlocked legacy is on.


4. Last I heard, they were working on this. Most likely will be a paid service similar to server transfers

Edited by Toxen
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ok cool, thanks for the info. Im not the kinda person to keep spamming this stuff on the forums and whining to get it changed, i just state it once and hope for the best. Appreciate u takin the time to answer all my questions though. I really wish theyd make this a higher priority but you take what you can get, not much else you can do.

DEVS read this! :p

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2. Currently, people who get transferred to the PTR lose their Legacy. Which means the server transfer system they currently have cannot handle moving that information, yet.

Which is probably why they haven't implemented it for everyone.


You have to level another character to 30 in order to unlock the Legacy on your level 50 on the PTR.

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1.Is there a time the developers have stated that server transfers would become available?

Server transfers for the Oceanic servers are being processed "end of April". For general transfers, expect them some time after that, once Bioware have addressed the bugs and whatever deficiencies they decide to address.


2. What would happen with the ;egacy system after 1.2 with a server transfer of an already lvl 50 character?

If the Oceanic transfer guidelines are anything to go by, then you will retain the Legacy points accumulated with the lvl 50. If you have a Legacy on the server you are transfering to as well as the server you are transferring from, you will retain the highest of the two Legacy levels and the other will be lost. However, if your Legacy name and/or character name is already taken by someone on your chosen destination server, you will have to select another name.


3. Until STs are available does anyone know if i have a lvl 50 BH on one server and a lvl 50 Sith Wrrior on another will the unlocks for legacy intermingle, or is it just for charcters you possess on a single server that the unlocks will pertain to?

I refer the Honourable Gentleman to the answer I gave some moments ago. :)


4. Will we ever be able to change our legacy names, I know i would like to change all of my legacys. I have 3, (one lvl 50 on namadii corridor, a lvl 50 on Jung Ma, and i also have almost gotten to lvl 50 with a completely seperate account that pay for) Id like to one day be able to put them all in the same server at least. And possible be able to make them all have the same legacy name if STs were to come available.?

I am guessing on this one, but probably if you transfer characters with several Legacies to a single server, then all of the characters that end up on that server will take on the Legacy name of the highest Legacy level you have, and that you only be able to change the Legacy name on that server if the Legacy you are migrating is already taken by someone else.

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