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Chewbaccas Death

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Some one made that up coz he did not die in the films at all.

Of course someone "made that up"... Chewie is entirely "made up", don't forget. The films aren't everything that is Star Wars, and you must believe that or you wouldn't be here, on a forum devoted to a Star Wars game that takes place outside the films.


Chewie died in the first novel of the New Jedi Order series, "Vector Prime" by R.A. Salvatore. THAT is what the video's referencing. Chewie's death was OK'd by Lucas, it was to mark the NJO as a new era where the heroes were no longer safe (previously, the first and only film 'hero' to die was Crix Madine in "Darksaber").


Chewie's death can be viewed as silly, but I choose to view it as EPIC. No mere blaster or warrior could take down Chewie. The enemy had to drop a moon on him (not that they exactly TARGETED him, of course... that'd be overkill), and he faced it with upraised arms, roaring his defiance, all of this after helping to pack the Falcon full of evacuees fleeing the doomed planet, throwing the last one or two up onto the ramp as the Falcon moved away from his location.

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Some one made that up coz he did not die in the films at all.


Indeed he did not ......the boy's not talking about any film, though.... get it right next time ;p

Edited by Youra
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Agree with the poster above me; the video was a joke - and I couldn't handle watching it.


However, there is only one reason Chewbacca was killed: Someone told the author "if you want to be taken seriously as a writer, just kill the dog."


Sad, but true.

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