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Like the others said its easy enough to go without using Quinn. Just pick your favorite other companion, equip them as well as you can and you'll be fine aside from a few extra seconds of downtime between battles.


Vette/Jaesa will speed the battles along substantially so the obvious choice, particularly if you're romancing one of them. Or Pierce/Broon to keep the attention off you. Less damage to you but you'll probably spend a few extra moments resting for them.


And remember if you absolutely can't get past a certain encounter or two without healing, and really can't stand Quinn even for that, you could always gear up the protocol droid.


Obviously if you're Annhilation spec or Biochem then you'll have even less downtime worries. But even without, its not a big deal. Especially since the SW rest animation is quick and non-annoying (compared to always doing the slow kneel on Jedi Knight)

Edited by CutlassJack
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I totally understand where your coming from.




As an Anni Mara, if that is how your spec'd, our greatest dps multiplier is chain killing. As a lone example take your form proc, once you have 5 stacks our dps really comes alive. Why waste your hard earned dps boost, it lasts (i forget) 5-7 sec after combat, only to lose it between fights resting for health. It is a class defining ability.


Now, that being said. It's your toon, you pay for it and you have to play it. Do what makes you comfortable out there.


Like other posters have stated, any companion you use should be geared as well as you can afford to get them. If you plan on using a dps or tank companion you really should be biochem spec, imo. Also work on mastering your defensive ability's. I have no play style tips, once I got Quinn I parked all other companions.



Have fun and good luck.


Edited by teabaggnfool
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Bleed baby, bleed it dry.


Seriously though, use your bleeds as much as you can. The free healing will soften the blow.


It's hard to go without Malavai though. He takes me from barely taking out a gold , a silver, and a trash mob to taking out shiny golds.

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