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what is a good focus build?


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Much to my own dismay, I recently abandoned Focus for Watchman, which is too bad because it was the build I levelled up with from 1 - 50.


From what I did experience however, much of your damage in Focus comes from Force Sweeps preceded by either Force Stasis or Force Exhaustion. You'll get an even better result if you can get a Force Leap or Zealous Leap in before that.


One of the problems I ran into which made me switch my build however, is that my guild started ops. It was often too risky in crowd situations to be continually Force Sweeping especially when we often rely on CC to survive.


Focus is great for doing a lot of AoE damage to a lot of targets, but like all the builds has its drawbacks.

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Im a Level 47 Focus Spec and when I hit 50, plan to write a Focus specific guide. To give you a build now would be useless due to all the changes that will soon be coming, many them directly affecting the Focus spec.


"Rotations" in the classic sense, really dont apply in a "pure" way. Once you start to get in the low 30's, you will begin to be able to set up higher and higher level sweeps. Also with Focus, have no idea if this applies to the other Sent specs, pummel is a very high damage move. You really dont read about it much, but I was getting some insanely high crits early on. We will see how all this plays out in the new patch.


Focus spec is a very nuanced spec. Its critical to learn to play outside of a core rotation, as that will be required at times, especially longer battles with more elite level baddies, especially below, say 35sh to 40sh. Some tips, from my play style anyways.


*Because you will not be just smashing the same buttons and because Sent gets a ton of abilities, of which I use maybe 50%, I got in the habit of putting "types" of abilities in the same area; whether that be hot keys and/or on your tool bar. So my heals are always very far right, my escapes (camo and such) almost far right, top center right- core dmg, top center left sweeps, zealous and such, far left damage mitigation buffs, bottom middle all of my interupts and a few of my centering buffs. Because I played this way from the beginning, my responses for a give type of response is now automatic.


*A huge part of Focus Sent is a global rotation of jumping, building focus, insuring a crit (stasis or exhaustion), popping a sweep then rinse and repeat. However, on some silvers and almost all same level golds, that aint gonna cut it. The rotation, globally, becomes inserting interrupts in there constantly, especially your kick. The second it comes off, pop it. So you need to pay even more attention to driving focus which in the heat of battle, you can end up panicking into your dmg specials, burning through focus and having nothing to fuel your interrupts (which will change with the new patch, as many interrupts will no longer cost focus), but for now, no interuppts = dirt nap.


*This is very hard to explain, but when you really are in the zone with the Sent Focus spec, it almost feels like this dance you end up in, perfectly timing your interrupts, your focus driving, setting up your high damage and crits through leaps, stasis and exhaustion; when it all comes together, you can keep an enemy at bay while ripping him to shreds. Problem is, nailing that "dance" every time is no easy task to do. Personally, for me, that why I love the class and spec.


Hope that helps but really, if you're just starting a Focus spec out, unless you're a massive power leveler, I dont think you have to worry about a build much until the patch but if you are going to make into your skill tree pre patch, Ive attached my early build. A lot of people love slash with ZEN, which is cool. In Focus, I really dont. Although you put out a lot of damage, you also take a lot of damage, so in my spec, due to my playstyle, I dont take on any of the buffs exclusive to slash. The build Im attaching takes you to level 29. If focus is the way you're gonna go, I would level up just in the Focus tree through 29, then you have a few minor options from there, as it is now.


Good luck and above all, have fun!!!


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