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Ore vs tokens

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I am just throwing this out as a suggestion. Have you ever gotten a group together to do hard modes beaten the boss only to find that the token they drop no one can use? Then the eternal grind comes and you spend countless tries going for your specific token never achieving it? Well rather then tokens I have an idea drop a ore or some kind of item that you can take to a vendor to craft the item in question. You can even make it so bracers use x ore and chest uses y ore etc . That way no one is just using the simple hard modes for their armor. Or if you wanted to do that so many x ore make up y ore etc. I think this would help so groups don't feel cheated when bh gear tokens drop and there is no bh in the group.
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They give commendations... If the second best isn't good enough for you then this will just become a QQ thread. Also, some people enjoy the moment of hope and the rush of joy when the item you've been seeking for months finally appears.
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It is not entitlement. I love how that word gets dropped so often these days. You are competing in a 25% chance to obtain something that can be used by all in group. Versus 100% fail based on random generators.


It's the definition of entitlement. What the hell are you talking about?

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Entitlement: belief that one is deserving of or entitled to certain privileges How is what I suggested even remotely considered this. What I am suggesting is not entitlement because you do not have a 100% chance of getting what you want. Please learn how to use your words correctly. Yes commendations are great. Yes the commendations should stay pay for it that way as well. Though when you think about it if you did your daily and weekly bonus every day and every week it will take you 11 weeks to finish. Not everyone's life revolves around this game so it will take you over 4 months realistically to get your gear that way. What I am merely suggesting is a better system then a random generator that can cause you to loose before you even get to the loot. This way offers you a chance to do it quicker. That is right a chance because you only have a 25% chance to get the item to craft the token.
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Key word: "belief"

You don't have 100% chance of getting it but it seems like you "believe" that you should. Thus entitlement!


Also, have you ever killed a boss? They also drop commendations so I don't know why your bringing dailies into this.

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So I am understanding this neanderthalic mentality is that you would prefer that approx 11 weeks is the first you can get all your gear and take the chance running hard modes with a 0 chance possibility for ALL people can not use it. This applies to raids as well. This is the pride of mmo's because we can not have a better system because its entitlement if there is a guarantee that someone out of four can have an ore that could use to get their tier item. From an individual perspective it is not entitlement. From a whole group yes one person is guaranteed the ore which is efficient and you can require people to have 3 of the ores to get the tier piece. Why you would keep an old system just to make sure people grind incessantly with the possibility of no one out of 4 being able to use something so I dare you to put something better.
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Look I get it, you came up with an idea that you think is original and must defend it like it's a cure for cancer. But, the idea doesn't help in any way from the system that is already in place. You want a universal token that anyone can take after rolling for it. I, and many others, view this as dumbed down means to fairly distribute loot and would take a random loot table over tokens any day. To down a boss over and over just to see the same damn token drop completely ruins the surprise on what is going to drop. I no longer have an interested in what drops since I already know, thus I feel like killing bosses is more or less a chore to just collect tokens.


Bioware understands the people want some means to be guaranteed some progress in gear and thus implemented a compromise with the use of commendations and crystals dropping off bosses along with randomized loot. This system works very well and covers the interest of most of the people playing. To change a system that already works is just crazy and your idea is in no way an improvement over the current design.


If this system really is that awful to you then feel free to argue with Murphy's law over fairness and all that jive.

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They are removing lockouts for hardmode flashpoints in 1.2 and bosses will now drop gear only for classes present in your group. So now you can grind away.


This plus 1.


I am not sure why they are removing the lockouts though.


I thought they wanted to remove credits from the players...lol

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