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Best MM PvP build?


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You gave up rapid fire for 1 point in explosive engineering?


Get out.


and i dont know about you guys, but i love heavy shot. Debilitate + heavy shot to knock people off the top of huttball, or to their deaths in voidstar. I love it

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I settled on a hybrid spec. 23/16/2 I think.


I am pvping valor rank 67, but I also raid 3 times a week. I needed a build that had the burst I wanted in pvp, and the energy management that I wanted in pve.


The MM/Eng Hybrid spec serves my purpose. If I were to concentrate solely on pvp, I would re-arrange my hybrid spec to some of the ones listed above.


The top of MM tree does not do enough to help me really perform. The explosive engineering/cluster bombs/series of shots combo, has a cull feel. I have not theory crafted or investigated the damage, but I tend to treat the explosive probe--interrogation probe -- series of shots combos as a cull. I mix in ambush -- follow through and snipe in follow through takedown and I have the burst to wreck anybody.


I crit that combo back to back on an undergeared Sage the other day and think the ambush knocked him off line.

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For a MM/ENG hybrid (i'm aiming for followthrough and imperial methodology obviously) would it be better to go up eng or marksman first while leveling primarily within WZs?


I would say Marksman. You get more accuracy, Ballistic Dampeners, faster and harder-hitting Ambush, more Leg Shots (very useful for WZs), insta-snipes (great for Laze Target), and the Ambush pushback if you like.


With Engi, you get more cunning (but at low levels, even bolstered, it won't do as much as high levels. still good though), more energy (very useful if you're not dying much, which is usually the case at low-level WZs), more uses of FG (great for cappers) and FB (great for Huttball and Voidstar especially), and a DoT which you can turn into a slow. There's also Cluster Bombs, even though it doesn't give back energy yet. Kinda evens out the extra from Energy Tanks.


These are for the first 3 tiers. Looking at it, it's more of a style choice, but I'd personally go for MM first.

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I know it may sound lame to some, but I like using series of shots to determine when a buff/bubble wears off. That way I lead in with some damage and know when to hit my big stuff. The end line in MM also helps with this.


I know it's going away in 1.2, but I find it quite useful for measuring temp buffs.

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