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i love my seer


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hi guys,


this is my first post in this forum (and i hope not the last). Well, i have been reading a lot about the nerfs coming on the next patch, and how people are crying over it and how they will reroll and blah blah blah...


I am writing this post to tell you all to chill out and admit the facts: we are veeery OP. I mean, once you hit the BM rank, and you are fully equipped, we are just unstoppable! i know that a +1sec cast time is a bit of a joke, but before this we had a sick amount of power regen. and in the worst of the wz our overall healing would never be less thanf 400k.


So i am making a call to those of you who think that even tho the patch will bring nerfs, will see this as a challenge instead of crying around corners. This will cleanse the consular crew who just rolled this char because they considered healing with it was a stroll on the park (pew pew you are fully healed, pew pew you are dead).


P.D: next patch will bring a massive buff to our class anyways, as in every mmo i've played before (aside from the warrior in WOW :p )


greetings to y'all!!

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hi guys,


this is my first post in this forum (and i hope not the last). Well, i have been reading a lot about the nerfs coming on the next patch, and how people are crying over it and how they will reroll and blah blah blah...


I am writing this post to tell you all to chill out and admit the facts: we are veeery OP. I mean, once you hit the BM rank, and you are fully equipped, we are just unstoppable! i know that a +1sec cast time is a bit of a joke, but before this we had a sick amount of power regen. and in the worst of the wz our overall healing would never be less thanf 400k.


So i am making a call to those of you who think that even tho the patch will bring nerfs, will see this as a challenge instead of crying around corners. This will cleanse the consular crew who just rolled this char because they considered healing with it was a stroll on the park (pew pew you are fully healed, pew pew you are dead).


P.D: next patch will bring a massive buff to our class anyways, as in every mmo i've played before (aside from the warrior in WOW :p )


greetings to y'all!!


I'm writing this post to tell you to go check the class out on the PTR.


It's not fun and still doesn't have us manage our force any more than we already did through a rotation during healing intensive times.


You talk of PVP and being OP. Thats probably the farthest thing from the truth but once these changes hit. I dare say you'll be lucky if you get off 30% of your cast heals. You'll be doing your best stealth approach with no stealth trying to LOS and hide just to cast heals and you will be interrupted the majority of the time due to most classes with gap closure abilities.


Most people will have a cast time of 2.3 secs or greater. You will get few heals off.


This is not a challenge to get by. This is something that needs to be thought through more on many aspects and not left up to the players to just work around and fight the power.


The only thing I might could agree with you on is that we will have to put up with a crappy change to the class till the next patch and something gets changed again.

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