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Watchmen Tree


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Can some explain why watchman is so much better then the combat Tree >

IM trying watchman out, i was a long time supporter of the combat tree but want to see why everyone says watchman is so much more powerful then the combat tree is.


After engaging in combat with lvl 50 nps using the wathman tree i almost die times !

when i was using the combat tree i had no problem killing them. Im stacking power in my saber and suit.

If there is a specific way to set up the tool bar to max out the dmg and get the full effect from watchman will some please explain that ?


Thanks in advance

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Well it is not 'better' per say, but it is different and more popular, its got different strengths and weaknesses...


what mobs are you fighting exactly?


Watchman may well seem weaker on groups of normal/weak enemies as it lacks the upfront damage of combat that would show a lot on those but you certainly should not be dying to THOSE... and on strong/elite npc's with the self healing of the watchmans dot crits it should if anything feel 'easier' if not necessarily faster.


on anything strong or above you should generally be going something like...


Leap (Overload Saber in mid air) > Zealous > Cauterize > Merciless to begin with...


then continually re-do cauterizes as it pops back up, and merciless strikes as much as possible to keep its 3 buff on between that... more zealous, more leaps, more strikes if necessary to build more focus, and more slashes if you got excess.


Once you have stacked overload saber and cauterize hit Zen for lots of crits!


I think that was roughly correct, someone who has played Watchman a lot more may have slight variations and refined it more

Edited by Ainianu
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Well it is not 'better' per say, but it is different and more popular, its got different strengths and weaknesses...


what mobs are you fighting exactly?


Watchman may well seem weaker on groups of normal/weak enemies as it lacks the upfront damage of combat that would show a lot on those but you certainly should not be dying to THOSE... and on strong/elite npc's with the self healing of the watchmans dot crits it should if anything feel 'easier' if not necessarily faster.


on anything strong or above you should generally be going something like...


Leap (Overload Saber in mid air) > Zealous > Cauterize > Merciless to begin with...


then continually re-do cauterizes as it pops back up, and merciless strikes as much as possible to keep its 3 buff on between that... more zealous, more leaps, more strikes if necessary to build more focus, and more slashes if you got excess.


Once you have stacked overload saber and cauterize hit Zen for lots of crits!


I think that was roughly correct, someone who has played Watchman a lot more may have slight variations and refined it more


basically this ^^. Keep your dots up and zen as much as you can for them self heals. I played combat and even tho its bursty i felt weaker compared to my watchman spec. To each his own but ill never spec combat ever again. With the crits and self heals they are nice to have in a group.

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