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Itemization questions.


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So i finally decided on my pyro spec for PvP, but now I want to optimize my mod slots. I know pyro needs lots of crit and surge with a bit of crit. Currently I'm a bit overbalanced on crit, but the only mods I can find are the rank 25 enhancements with power surge on the gtn, but they are rare since they are so popular. Are there any chamion / BM sets that have a lot of those kinds of mods I could rip from other classes, or should I just keep checking the gtn and spamming general for people that can craft them?


Second, how useless is accuracy? They seem to have thrown it on every piece of BM gear, but general consensus is that its not that valuable in PvP. Should I avoid it entirely, or is there some base amount you want to have?


Thanks all.

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IA gloves have a great enhancement in them that give you less endurance and more surge/power. I think they might be field tech gloves.


Accuracy is also useful to have at 100% especially as a pyro.


However, be very careful about modding your BM gear before 1.2. The armour is changing and getting a big expertise buff. If you do not have the original stats in your set come changeover your gear will remain the same as pre-patch, and you will be at a massive disadvantage.

Edited by Diddley
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