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Dps Guardian or Dps Sage?


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I am currently leveling both of these classes and I am having trouble with deciding which one to take to 50 first since I wanna do ops after 50 eventually. I hear melee have it really rough in the boss fights and ranged is the way to go. I enjoy both classes but the Knight story seems so much better and the gear looks cooler. Just wanted some opinions from some people who have been there. Any help would be appreciated.
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I am currently leveling both of these classes and I am having trouble with deciding which one to take to 50 first since I wanna do ops after 50 eventually. I hear melee have it really rough in the boss fights and ranged is the way to go. I enjoy both classes but the Knight story seems so much better and the gear looks cooler. Just wanted some opinions from some people who have been there. Any help would be appreciated.


either ones fine. ultimately, ranged is more popular whether they make things easier or not (they often do unfortunately)


Plus you also have to look at your alternative spec other then DPS. Even if you don't want to play it, chances are you eventually will. given that, would you rather tank or heal? both are fun in this game.


and just about every top end guild That I know of running Ops has guards/Juggs for both tanking and DPS. so they are viable, you just often have to get past the mentality that easier is better.


Guardians are more difficult to play however. Not from a melee perspective, but from a technical perspective. they have a higher learning curve. and I've seen many peeps get frustrated when they don't grasp it right away. It takes a bit of time, as it takes some levels for the Guardian class to fully come alive. But it's also the most enjoyable class I've played in the game so far. Many of the others (including my shadow and sage) feel boring compared to my Guard and my Jugg (rolling a second jugg atm, so that makes 3 of the same class).


But it's not everyone's cup of tea. try both.

Edited by Elyx
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If you've already got a 50 and the guardian and sage are alts, I strongly suggest outfitting C2 with some high aim gear and using him to heal for you until you get Doc as a DPS guardian. Then if all the gear you gave C2 is moddable, you can give it to T7 afterwards.
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Sage DPS >>>>>>>>>>> Guardian DPS all day long. Guardian DPS has got to be just about the worst in the game.



There is nothing wrong with Jug/Guard dps. The problem is that there is more positioning unfriendly fights in the game that punish melee dps but not ranged dps. You also have to overcome the stigma that playing what is largely seen as a tank class as dps is viable.

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I am currently leveling both of these classes and I am having trouble with deciding which one to take to 50 first since I wanna do ops after 50 eventually. I hear melee have it really rough in the boss fights and ranged is the way to go. I enjoy both classes but the Knight story seems so much better and the gear looks cooler. Just wanted some opinions from some people who have been there. Any help would be appreciated.


You see a ton of Sages, but not very many DPS Guards. Not that itll help, because most guilds would take a DPS Sage over a DPS Guard anyway. It would really depend on your guild, and how anal they are about that kind of thing.


Consular story is pretty terrible though. It fits the boring "political" nature of being a Jedi mediary/negotiator really well, pretty Obi-wan(original movies), but there isnt much excitement :p


In the end though I would still go with whichever you like more, especially if story is a concern.

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I play a defense/vigilance spec (14/27?) and I think i do alright in both dps and in tanking. However going full spec either way- I'd probably do amazing.

In the end- its the style of play and story you want to really consider. If you like throwing rocks and politics around- sage. If you like leaping into battle and screaming "come at me bro!" go knight.

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Sage DPS >>>>>>>>>>> Guardian DPS all day long. Guardian DPS has got to be just about the worst in the game.


My DPS guardian is in 2 pieces of columni, t3 belt and bracers (Crafted), and t3 ear/implants with basically 51 gear everywhere else, and I was outdpsing pretty much everyone in our normal mode raids last night except the full t2 commando. I think any vig guardians you know need to learn how to gear and play their characters.


Not once have I ever felt like my guardian was simply incompetent at DPS.


If you don't have a Guardian tanking your raids, you need to have one along anyways for the stackable armor rend.

Edited by Onager
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DPS Guardians generally aren't accepted in raids or FPs, unless you have a serious level advantage.


DPS Sages deal more sustained damage generally, and can do some emergency healing.



Unless you want to help lower level players with leveling all day, you're better off from a grouping standpoint of being a Sage. Even more so in 1.2 apparently, because we're getting nerfed when Bioware already acknowledged we were underpowered.

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Man that stinks. I am really enjoying the Knight and the story and the companions so much more. Pvp is so so with melee. I get stunned im dead pretty much. Not many ops groups going on I see anyway. I have seen the guild I plan on joining advertise once last weekend for any dps since then not much is going on. Thats a whole nother issue though.
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DPS Guardians generally aren't accepted in raids or FPs, unless you have a serious level advantage.


DPS Sages deal more sustained damage generally, and can do some emergency healing.



Unless you want to help lower level players with leveling all day, you're better off from a grouping standpoint of being a Sage. Even more so in 1.2 apparently, because we're getting nerfed when Bioware already acknowledged we were underpowered.


This is incorrect.

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Sorry but no its not.


The only people I don't outdps in my guild are people that vastly outgear me. Tonight we did FE Hard mode, on the Droid twins, dropped the first before he could get his circle up, dropped HK-47 before his second assassination protocol, and had Malgus well within grenade range and on the bridge before his 4th solo cycle.


You may say that the other dps that was with me carried us (He's barely t1/t2) or that the tank was doing a lot of DPS (full t2 vanguard) but you'd be wrong. I know when I'm pulling my weight, at no point have I ever felt I was inadequate. You anti-guardian DPS people are straight wrong.


It's likely a lot of people aren't playing Vigilance properly, that's outside of my control. What is in my control, is my Guardian, and I do better than fine with him.

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You anti-guardian DPS people are straight wrong.
What am I wrong about that Guardian DPS has got to be just about the worst in the game or that any grp a Guardian is in is insta-fail? Cause I am pretty sure I never said the latter.


And FE HM? Really? Tell me how you do vs all the other DPS when fighting the Marauders during the council fight in EV, then it might mean something.

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And FE HM? Really? Tell me how you do vs all the other DPS when fighting the Marauders during the council fight in EV, then it might mean something.


14/27 guardian (tho I prefer 7/27/7 for pure dps, but lately I raid as dps/ot) and I can tell you I usually finish first, or in the top three, for Normal, HM or NM 8mans. Doesn't matter if its a jugg or a marauder, I can do either and still finish first - usually its just a dps commando that can beat me out. Most folks are near or at full Rakata.


BTW - I'm not saying Guardian dps is awesome - I think that fight is tailored to guardian strengths, which is no holds barred stand and slug each other. Looking forward to logs so I can see where I actually land in encounters that aren't stand still and swing.

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What am I wrong about that Guardian DPS has got to be just about the worst in the game or that any grp a Guardian is in is insta-fail? Cause I am pretty sure I never said the latter.


And FE HM? Really? Tell me how you do vs all the other DPS when fighting the Marauders during the council fight in EV, then it might mean something.


I was the third done. And it's not a marauder, it's one of the 77k mobs. We gave the marauder to the other guardian that outgears me but doesn't know what he's doing (Which I assume meshes better with your expectations on the subject). Keep in mind my Guardian was in basically item level 50-51 components at the time and hadn't so much as cashed in any of his rewards yet at that point. The two done before me were the average IL 57 Commando and a Sentinel in a mix of columni and champion gear.


FE HM has a couple fights you can use as a pretty reliable DPS check. If either of the two DPSers wasn't pulling their weight, you'd know it.

Edited by Onager
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DPS Guardians are getting enormous buffs in 1.2.
It's a buff against training dummies, but just about every ability I use is getting nerfed either directly or indirectly.


Except lolRavage; they're putting it all on Ravage, which is an awful design decision.

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Nothing terribly wrong with Ravage. On DPS Juggs, it's a good skill to weave in once in a while and clip after the second hit (which should be well withing the GCD).


I use all 3 ticks of Master Strike pretty much only if everything else is on cooldown, it's still worth doing then, as the 3rd tick is equivalent to overhead strike by itself. Sucks that it's so backloaded and the first two ticks go out so fast, IMO.



It's a buff against training dummies, but just about every ability I use is getting nerfed either directly or indirectly.


Except lolRavage; they're putting it all on Ravage, which is an awful design decision.

Nobody ever thinks 'Vigilance' or 'Vengeance' when someone says DPS. We're talking about PVE here. Focus took a nerf for Guardians, but Vig/Ven got a significant buff, free focus on Zen Strike and Sundering Throw, sign me the hell up.

Edited by Onager
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A lot of people here are in denial. Sage DPS craps all over Guardian DPS. It's no contest. Roll a Sage.


But does the sage increase the entire raid's dps by several percent? DPS guardians still bring Sunder, which vicariously improves raid dps by enough that the entire raid is worse for not having at least one guardian present, dps or not.

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A lot of people here are in denial. Sage DPS craps all over Guardian DPS. It's no contest. Roll a Sage.


Having both a 50 Sage and a Guardian (among a few others) I know that people like you obviously havent played both.

Sure Sage is ahead at the moment due to the insane Hybrid spec...which is being removed (nerfed if you want to call it) in 1.2.

Take that away...and Id prefer a Guardian DPS anyday.

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