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I hope they will not add new tier of gear every 3 months


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You can only run 1 of each op per level a week anyway. I have gotten as many as 4 pieces of columi or rakata a run. The point is there is no challenge in the content, and you don't need to invest obscene amounts of time to complete it. If you just play for the content and not the gear it takes even less time. You only need to play through an op once on normal to see the content. I am a casual player (3 nights a week) and it took no time to see all the content. Are you saying this game isn't for casual players? or is it not for competent players?


So you can only run 2 Ops a week anyway? What is your problem then? 4 pieces a run is super rare according to my guildmates. It takes a least a month at your play schedule. The game is meant for entertainment, its not there to replace your life. A month is not a long time to you? How long do you want the grind to be?


Yeah, once I play a Call of Duty map I never play it again lol. SWTOR has a ton of content. I have run the normal mode FPs many many times, do a bunch of PvP, I dont understand how you can say that just playing for the content takes even less time. You run Ops for the gear, once you have it your done. Ill play the Ops many times after I get the gear.


When I say this game is not for you, I mean its not for the gear grinders that get a sense of accomplishment from siting at there computers for months.

Edited by CharleyDanger
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Regardless, even if you did not know the drop rates, it will still just be a mater of time spent in front of your computer. Until there is a gear tier based on skill, it will all be a matter of who can sit at their computer the most. If you get a sense of accomplishment from your gear, your delusional lol. Dont get me wrong, Im super excited when I get BM gear, but its not because I accomplished anything. Its because I can now compete on a lvl field with other BMs, it looks cool, and the grind is over lol.


Think if there was a skill tier. Like a set for completing a NM mode in a certain time, or X amount of win streaks in ranked WZs. That would be sick.

I think that it was different when materials were still out there to "discover" rather than everything just being a matter of steps to uberness. Still I understand where you're coming from, personally I think it would be interesting to see something of this sort in PvE so long as its largely cosmetic with only minor benefits over other gear. In PvP I'm hesitant due to the problem of PvP gear creating imbalance, I don't imagine anyone who actually cares about PvP really being pleased with the idea of tiered gear to win PvP (though honestly small gaps such as the champion/BM gear are fine by me).


Still I think that in future seasons of rateds we might see something like this (a top end set of gear with minor benefits over the standard). Overall though I don't think any of this addresses the crappy standard of gear creep in MMOs, definitely imo 3 months for a tier of top end gear seems somewhat meaningless to me.



I just hope BioWare avoids the end game Monty Haul mess that Blizz created in WoW.

This is exactly my stance. Creating new tiers of gear with ever higher rewards to push people into new end gear instances (which based on past data people are clearly not that interested in anyway) just seems backward to me.

Edited by SWImara
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I think that it was different when materials were still out there to "discover" rather than everything just being a matter of steps to uberness. Still I understand where you're coming from, personally I think it would be interesting to see something of this sort in PvE so long as its largely cosmetic with only minor benefits over other gear. In PvP I'm hesitant due to the problem of PvP gear creating imbalance, I don't imagine anyone who actually cares about PvP really being pleased with the idea of tiered gear to win PvP (though honestly small gaps such as the champion/BM gear are fine by me).


Still I think that in future seasons of rateds we might see something like this (a top end set of gear with minor benefits over the standard). Overall though I don't think any of this addresses the crappy standard of gear creep in MMOs, definitely imo 3 months for a tier of top end gear seems somewhat meaningless to me.




This is exactly my stance. Creating new tiers of gear with ever higher rewards to push people into new end gear instances (which based on past data people are clearly not that interested in anyway) just seems backward to me.


I would love to have to go out in the world and find the mats to build my endgame gear. Damn that would be so cool lol. I also agree that PvP gear should be cosmetic. Maybe a small set bonus, but thats about it.

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So you can only run 2 Ops a week anyway? What is your problem then? 4 pieces a run is super rare according to my guildmates. It takes a least a month at your play schedule. The game is meant for entertainment, its not there to replace your life. A month is not a long time to you? How long do you want the grind to be?


Yeah, once I play a Call of Duty map I never play it again lol. SWTOR has a ton of content. I have run the normal mode FPs many many times, do a bunch of PvP, I dont understand how you can say that just playing for the content takes even less time. You run Ops for the gear, once you have it your done. Ill play the Ops many times after I get the gear.


When I say this game is not for you, I mean its not for the gear grinders that get a sense of accomplishment from siting at there computers for months.


Please quote where I said I only run ops for gear. You are making allot of false assumptions about me. CoD is different, it's PvP and dynamic, always changing the experience. An Op in SWTOR is always the same, every time, nothing changes. So it is very repetitive to run over and over again. If you want to do the same exact thing over and over than that's fine. I am just saying If I am going to repeat something I would at least like it to be able to take some skill and challenge me. Yes, eventually it will all be repetitive, but it shouldn't take a week for that feeling to set in. I would rather spend a month trying to defeat one boss (even at a casual play level of 6-9 hours a week) than blast through the entire op everyweek. I believe the reward should always be the next level of content, weather it's the next wing of the instance or the next tier op. The gear should just be a means to progress through it.

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If playing 3 hours a night 2-3 nights a week is hardcore, I guess I am. You don't have to play 8 hours a day to get through this content. Even people more casual than I have blasted through the content in this game.


to back up this statement... some people told me what a huge grind getting BM valor and pvp gear is... I play from about 10pm-1am 3 or 4 nights a week.. took me about a week to get 60 valor and in the process I have 3 pieces of champ, 1 bm and the rest cent (haven't had the best of luck) and I feel I can compete competently enough to be useful and I generally win more than lose.


I am not super hardcore, not the best player ever nor do I consistently hit the top of the board in anything but I certainly pull my weight in terms of going after objectives and enabling objectives to be taken. Considering the average rate at which I get commendations and bags I wager by the end of a month's time I should be able to have full BM gear if my luck continues to be somewhat poor which, frankly, after having experienced games like Aion and Everquest is generally the blink of an eye.


I agree that it can be very challenging to find a group that actually wants to go and run HM's / Ops etc etc... but hang in there because it's really not all that far away.

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Please quote where I said I only run ops for gear. You are making allot of false assumptions about me. CoD is different, it's PvP and dynamic, always changing the experience. An Op in SWTOR is always the same, every time, nothing changes. So it is very repetitive to run over and over again. If you want to do the same exact thing over and over than that's fine. I am just saying If I am going to repeat something I would at least like it to be able to take some skill and challenge me. Yes, eventually it will all be repetitive, but it shouldn't take a week for that feeling to set in. I would rather spend a month trying to defeat one boss (even at a casual play level of 6-9 hours a week) than blast through the entire op everyweek. I believe the reward should always be the next level of content, weather it's the next wing of the instance or the next tier op. The gear should just be a means to progress through it.


You don't need FPs to gear up. In fact is is much faster to gear up through Ops.


You did not out right say you only run Ops, but its what you implied. Your complaint was that it took no time at all to gear up at endgame. My response was that there was many FPs and WZs that also fill the time. Your direct response was that you dont need FPs to gear up. I assumed nothing. Your above quote implies two things. One, you only care about gear. Two, Ops is how you go about getting your gear.


You also said later in that post that there was no need to run NM modes because they drop the same gear. Yet above you say "I believe the reward should always be the next level of content" Well, why are you not running NMs? I mentioned NMs, PvP, and world bosses as content that you do not touch in your "6-9" hours. Your response is that they drop no gear lol. The gear from HMs are supposed to get you through NMs, yet according to you there is no need to run NM modes, your contradicting your self


CoD is dynamic lol. You must not play very much. CoD players are just as predictable as NPCs.


Only a week before you get board? You can only run each ops once a week. So you have just admitted that after running the Ops once you became board.


At 6-9 hours a week it will take more than a month to gear up, and in that time you can only run an Op 4 times. So a month is not long enough? 4 times is enough to make it boring? Where does NM, FPs, and World Bosses fit in to your 6-9 hours? It sounds to me that your a just QQing, and I cant figure out why.



I do agree that the content is a bit easy. I know a few ppl that run Ops in lower lvl gear to make the experience more difficult.

Edited by CharleyDanger
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You did not out right say you only run Ops, but its what you implied. Your complaint was that it took no time at all to gear up at endgame. My response was that there was many FPs and WZs that also fill the time. Your direct response was that you dont need FPs to gear up. I assumed nothing. Your above quote implies two things. One, you only care about gear. Two, Ops is how you go about getting your gear.


Ok so you are reading what you want to hear and not what I write. I will waste no more time on such ridiculous assumptions and claims. Good day.

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Thats sounds awesome. I cant wait for GW2.


Not sure if it'll be the same in Guild Wars 2 but I have a feeling it will be. And it is awesome. Especially the skill system. You don't get set skills like in this game. Each profession has over 100 skills to choose from to put in their 8 slots (In Guild Wars 1). And you can pick a secondary profession and use their skills too

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You most likely have more played time then me if you're playing 3-4 hours every day and I'm Rakata in everything but my gloves, MH, and relics. It's all about MAXIMIZING your time ingame when you can play. Get a good group of friends you actually like to play with and run Ops every week. Once you have normal mode on ezmoad farm status move up to HM, once that seems ezmoad move up to nightmares and everything comes quickly without much time spent every week. I probably spend 6 hours a WEEK on my main now actually running things.
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Ok so you are reading what you want to hear and not what I write. I will waste no more time on such ridiculous assumptions and claims. Good day.


Its not what I wanted to hear, its how anyone who read it would take it. Its called context, and in context you said Ops is how you get gear. Its very simple...


A) It takes no time to get endgame gear


B) There are a bunch of FPs


A) You dont need FPs, Ops gives gear faster


In the above it is never directly said Ops is how A gets his gear. Yet As dismissal of Bs alternative is admission that FPs do factor into As idea that gear is achieved too quickly. A middle schooler could follow the context and come to the conclusion that A only cares about gear and will use the quickest method to achieve it.


The worst part is when you said, and you directly said it, that there is no need for nightmare modes because they drop the same gear as hard modes. Then you follow with "I believe the reward should always be the next level of content" The next lvl of content of course is nightmare modes, comical.


I have also flat out asked you how much PvP, NM, World Bosses fills your 6-9 hours, you never answered


You contradicted yourself at every opportunity, and now you bow out. Thats as predictable as the Ops you despise ;)

Edited by CharleyDanger
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