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Consistent long term bugs not resolved


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The frustration is starting to set in for me. Last night me and my guild go to work on EV nightmare. We've downed the first 4 previously. First boss no problem. We have the second boss bugged on the platform for the first ~3 minutes of the fight. This actually benefited us as we didn't have to change platforms but still, poor design. On to pylons. We had the south pylon that the top slot was already complete before we started. Considering any pylon that has a 1 turn auto locks and bugs the encounter, we decided we might as well just reset because there's no way that a 4 tier with no turns wouldn't result in some time wasting bug.


Then on to the bug king of them all, Soa. We had power pylons not removing stacks of his buff when destroyed on several attempts, resulting in unhealable aoe. We had lightning orbs pop at transition, not despawn, then sit under us not moving on the platform below us. By the time we realized it half the guys that dropped down were instantly dead from double orb ****. Even if we had noticed it, there wasn't anything we could do but wait and die to the platform dropping. We had a mind trap that didn't despawn on phase 2. When we initiated the next fight and dropped down, saw the thing, and tried to destroy it quick before he got down to us on the second tier it sucked me in (not a big deal but annoying). We had pillars drop right on his head in phase 3 that just completely ignored him (twice at sub 5%). They did, however, conveniently kill the tank. We had lightning orbs zap people once as they ran in to pop it (expected based on intervals of the shocks), they'd pop it, and after it was dead they'd get zapped again by the corpse. This one happened to me numerous times as well as others and is prettymuch lethal unless someone is at 100% health going in. We didn't have missing floor segments this time, though we've only had that particular bug a handful of times.


To top that lovely mess off, I had consistent issues with hitting an ability, a global cooldown would happen, my character would stand there looking stupid, and nothing would happen. That happened probably 1 in 10 casts, enough for me to notice that it was happening a lot. I'm not certain if there was a server load issue or what the deal was.


Add to that the very RNG nature of his abilities, can pop a ball, be at 40% health or 15% if the ball zapped after it was popped and then immediately be tossed with no recourse to medpack or get healed resulting in an autodeath, or right before the pillar drops the tank can get mind trapped resulting in him turning away at the last second and missing the pillar drop. These kinds of mechanics are not fun. And coupled with the massive amount of bugs that still plague this boss it's just mind boggling that they haven't been addressed yet.


I have no problems spending hours wiping on a boss. I do have an issue with spending hours wiping on a boss when the deaths are uncontrollable due to bugs and RNG instagib mechanics. While I'm not a fan of the latter, the combination is just demoralizing. I'm not someone who rages about trivial things. I just can't understand how these issues haven't been resolved yet. The amount of time we waste trying to circumvent bugs or redo encounters due to them is not an insignificant thing. Please consider putting a larger focus on the raid content that isn't functioning correctly. Do not release a new tier of content of this caliber of design. And please do not disregard EV because new content is coming out "soon". Please add a shadow for the pillar on phase 3 of soa and if possible, please reconsider some of the mechanics to make it less RNG autogib.


Thanks for reading my rant.

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Really? My frustrations over bugged raid content is moved to the suggestion box? Is this what they typically do with posts expressing disservice with the quality of raid design or is this because I said, "please do X, Y, Z" at the bottom? Edited by Niil
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