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MMO vets what do you think Of Sw TOR


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I'm surprised in all the PVP talk no one speaks of the Ettinmoores, entire zone is the objective. Tokens towards gear is the reward. Any pvp that doesn't require voice to be effective "really?" not even going to troll there. Never had as much fun in my life as running around with a marine staff sergeant and a squad of riflemen"aka spiders" as a combat medic "aka Warleader" hunting down the freeps. Yes we had probably half the server at times in the zone, yes we probably lagged the hell out of the game in it's heyday and the tech wasn't designed for 80 on 80 warfare, but even if it did slide show at times, it was hella fun. Too bad Lotro dropped pvp development last couple expansions and left the creeps gimped.
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UO, SWG, WOW, EVE, now this....

Loved it, Loved it, Got sucked into it, Tried it and didn't want to let it beat me, It's Star Wars.


The space combat rollercoaster ride is rubbish. Should be free roam. Not like freelancer free roam, but more than it is now.


There's WAY to many 'phases' why have 4 different places for ship access? From an ecomony of resources point it doesn't make sense. That's close to the dumbest thing I've ever seen.


There's WAY too many servers. Just do it already, they need to merge all servers into probably half or a 1/3 of what they have now. 10 min queues are far better than empty servers.


Since I won't be resubbing due to 1.2 and they can shove the free 30 days they just gave me, I feel I can tell you this.


There is NO macro protection.

There is NO injection protection.

No hack protection.

I'm not concerned if you don't believe that this game is wide open to hacks of all types, and macroing is childs play.


Mod Vendors...should have been removed by now. They are ****in up the game.


They should have taken the death and consequences from UO/EVE matched it with the crafting system from SWG, the openworld from WOW and put lightsabers in it. Winning formula.

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