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Your thoughts on SWTOR as a whole


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The game has so much potential..... But so did Warhammer Online.


Loving pvp at the moment as it presents the only significant challenges in the game worth playing. The upcoming patch appears to represent what the game should have been at launch. It may get better, it may not but the lack of design experience is showing and in this day and age people are not very forgiving when it comes to subscription gameplay.


I am waiting to see how it goes... But only because it is a Star Wars franchise. If it where any other mmo with this many issues I would not continue to pay.


The only reason I still have an active sub is because of pvp and the promise of oceanic transfers.

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As someone who has been critical of the game since its inception, I'll say that overall it's competent. The story is a nice touch, but the game play is yawn-tastic for someone who's been playing similarly structured games for the entire existance of MMOs.


It's enjoyable for the moment. The story is keeping me entertained, but I can already see the end on the horizon. It's my hope that Bioware does MORE to make itself stand out besides the story because in the end the story is finite. The game will need considerably more to keep people once its exhausted.

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not polished, not finished, rushed, bugged. Worth 60$ due to the leveling experience. not worth the monthly fee


I would like to not blame BW but they've been doing nothing but crap with EA being there.

Edited by mastersloup
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Excellent single player game (though on the easy side of things)

As a MMO, it lacks to many elements that are required by MMOs to develop communities and social interaction.


As a single player game (thats how I play it now and my enjoyment multiplied by 100 when I made the mental change) its really quite well done. My biggest complaints are:


1) So much wasted space. I dont understand why (if I have access to the imp lands) I cant have quests and storylines in those lands. I can ride around exploring them, much of the planets enemies are red to me (as they are to the imps) yet we have this huge area on any shared planet (not instanced like Taris and Balmorra) where you have just open land mass and no content.


2) As playing as a single player game, Id like to be able to summon multiple companions to do normal flashpoints and heroics.


3) you dont get to really interact and do anything in most companion storylines, you just get the points and talk and they tell you whats what. Id much rather have my interaction open full on quest lines I go complete.


As a MMO my biggest complaints (are just far to many to list)


In the most generic way to minimize time and space


1) no socialization/community

2) Dead servers (rerolled once already, not doing it again)

3) No housing to call your own and detail

4) no DAoC RVR

5) Game far to easy mode when grouped (its easy mode when solo to be honest as well)

5) Level far to fast making levels and equipment and story meaningless as you cruise through it mindlessly

6) Wasted space (see single player complaint, same story, to much wasted unused space)

7) Insanely hard to find a group for flashpoints

8) Nothing is special, no long term attatchment to character as everyone gets everything and nothing is personalized.

9) Terrible launch

10) ect ect ect (its really just to much to list and its not going to change so why stress on it)


SW:TOR was suppose to be a MMORPG but it missed the mark huge.

However what it stumbled into is a excellent single player game with limited multiplayer options.


If your looking for a MMO, this isnt it

If your looking for a fun and moderate to easy single player game set in the Star wars universe, this really does fit the bill!


Thats my thoughts on game. I hope eA realizes this and promotes the solo play with limited (small group) multiplayer options. If they suddenly start throwing in the missing MMO elements (and as of right now there is nothing to suggest they will be) the game will not last. To much missing and just to late now. They have lost that crowd for the most part and they will not magically get them back.

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Well maybe Bioware will take a look at this and finally realize that their game isn't as great as they think it is. I would love for them to fix this up before Guild Wars 2 arrives and if not then before WoW's whole thing with the Pandas.
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Fail. Fail. Fail. Terribad. Rushed by EA. Released at least a year too soon. Led by a team of devs who apparently change their minds about what content they are going to put in the game every other day. Not to mention it's like they have employed people who have either never played an MMO or never worked on one. Probably both. All in all the second worst game I've ever payed to play. The first being Warhammer Online. Think I'll learn not to trust Bio"Buyerbe"ware anymore. A failing lack of balance. A huge influx of hax users in pvp WZ's that run uncontrolled, content that is MOSTLY a long cave where you get to fight all the way to one end to kill your objective, then oh boy, you get to fight your way all the way out. And this is repeated over, and over, and OVER. A 20 minute run to get to a planet.

This is traveling to a planet: Run through the space station to the door to your Ships Hangar. Wait for the loading screen. Load into hangar. Run to your ships door. Wait for loading screen. Run through your ship past a robot that says the same inane garbage to me over and over so many times now that I want to throw my monitor. Go to your ships controls, navigate through 3 screens, pick the planet, warp to it, run back through your ship, open the door, wait for loading screen. Run through a corridor to the door to the space station orbiting the planet you are going to. Go through the door, yes, another loading screen. Run through the space station to the shuttle that goes to your planet of choice. Loading screen to get into shuttle. Arrive on planet. Seriously? How can you guys call yourself game devs? You should be ashamed of yourselves. You should quit and let someone who knows ANYTHING about MMOS run this game, which you have stomped into the dirt. I hope nobody hires you after this failed piece of garbage goes F2P in 6 months.

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My general feeling is great concept that doesn't quite work.


I'm nearly to 50 and have gotten bored. I really like the fully voiced class story arcs, but they should have stopped there. The resources used to make all the side quests fully voiced and acted would have been much better utilised in making the whole game experience better. There is just an over-riding sense of repetition to the gameplay that has steadily turned me off logging in.


To a degree the lack of day/night cycle and dynamic weather has effected me more than I thought it would. Too much being led by the nose and everything being easy has also meant playing hasn't gripped me as much as MMO's normally do. I would put the game a step above Warhammer Online, but a step below LOTRO, AoC, WoW, EQ2 and Rift.

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Good game, fun and fast enough leveling, never have the feeling that i'm grinding, interesting stories (some better than others), good graphics, good character models and armor (with the HR textures in 1.2), immersive (somewhat, could be more), very good voice acting, the fully voiced quests really had so much to the feeling that i am not just doing boring quest after boring quest (even if sometimes i am), fun to play and it's Star Wars.


On the other hand, poorly optimized, long loading times, shadows are ridiculously bad quality and yet require so much resources that the fps drops by more than 30 if i use them, seems to require a lot more resources that the quality of the graphics and overall gameplay performance would justify, still a lot of bugs, still many standard MMO features missing or poorly implemented and ridiculous low population on many servers.


Overall good game but it has a long long way to go to become a great game.

Edited by skepticck
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I don't know if it was "rushed" but I do know there are a LOT of bugs which make game play extremely irritating. At least 3 flashpoints and 1 operation have consistently bugged encounters, and it's a mystery to me why they wouldn't have fixed those problems sooner. This whole concept of pushing new content when the current content doesn't work is extremely counterintuitive.


The only reason I'm still playing at this point is a) I've invested a LOT of effort in building a great guild and b) I'm stubborn. I keep thinking they're going to fix these bugs, merge the light population servers, and turn this fail train around, but so far they are proving me wrong.

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Yeah but with other games coming out soon do you think they have a few years to correct their mistakes?


That's debatable. Some games were given far too long to correct their mistakes by their later competitors failing, and others were given no room to shine at all simply by being buried under the great hype machine of another release.



Hard to say, honestly.

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Too easy, and boring, and not enough people to play with.


Combat is sluggish, classes are meh design, leveling is so incredibly boring.


I can't imagine anyone, myself included, would even be playing this game if it wasn't called star wars.





Lol Took the words out of my mouth. My friends agree too. If this wasnt star wars it would be a laughing stock.

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The game itself is still new and being balanced, I accept that. Keeping that in mind, the game itself is overall very fun.


-PvP resolve system is bad and needs to be fixed badly.

-Engine needs more optimization, game runs poorly even on a $900 self built new gaming PC.

-Some sort of dungeon finder is needed. I was adamantly against this before launch, expecting the community to be better without it, but I was totally wrong.

-I would like more species to be added to creation, but I think expecting that before an expansion is foolish.


The biggest complaint, and the reason I am on the fence with keeping my subscription active is the poisonous community. This community is worse by far than WoW's. For whatever reason, online gaming brings out the worst in people, and the culture in game actually admires and worships the worst traits a personality can have.


I know BW can't control every aspect of player behavior, and I don't blame them for the atmosphere. But some nights I would rather go to the crappiest dive bar in town and socialize with down and out drunks than interact with the people who play this game.

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Well all we can hope for is that Bioware pull their heads out of their asses and fix it I guess, more I look at this game the more I'm starting to hate it and wondering why bother keeping my subscription, Bioware give me a reason to keep playing your game.
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I find it to be a fairly adequate game for Bioware's first step into the MMO genre. The player body types could use some tweaking and the lack of tattoo color selection is a bit disheartening, but overall the game is a joy. The class stories are engaging and the voice overs are top notch and match my characters to a T. When I play my Chiss Bounty Hunter, he deep gravely voice that spews his tough war hardened quips is exactly how I imagined he'd sound like. The grouping dynamic is also pretty good and it's always a surprise what outcomes your fellow players choose. With some time, patience and fine tuning, this game could become the World of Warcraft of the Sci-Fi MMO genre.


Many people write this game as a failure because they expect it to be World of Warcraft with lightsabers or dismiss the game because of George Lucas. I even heard people were quitting because of the whole Mass Effect 3 ending debacle. I say those people are blinded by their anger (:D) and do not realize what a gem this game is. It's pleases many of my own tastes: From my love of Bioware storytelling to my fandom of Star Wars. This is a true spiritual successor to the KoTOR series and I look forward to the future.

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So what do you guys think of this game as a whole, I've read around the forums a bit and have played the game since the very beginning and imo I sort of feel as though a game that could have been amazing was rushed and it's not to say that they didn't do anything right I like that they kept some key aspects of an MMO and implemented that Bioware feel to it, but at the same time I've also noticed how certain areas were lacking or generally seemed to be rushed.


I agree that this is a great game that was rushed to meet a deadline. They gave us a nice skeleton, but it isn't fleshed out fully.


Some basics are missing from the game, such as showing the rewards for missions in the mission log, lack of achievement system, very basic space combat. Some people also argued that 1.2 should be in the base game already.


But I am happy enough with their direction that I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and help fund the game for some time and help make it become great.


I think loyal Bioware fans, Star Wars fans, and RPG fans in general should also give them the benefit of the doubt and help make it an alternative contender in the MMO market.

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I just have one bad thing to say about it, but to me it a rather huge one, I played a lot of MMO's and quit them do to two resones 1 game play is more then a bit boring, and no story, the fixed one part of that and the game Star Wars The Old Republic has a good story, but game play.... is boring as ever in any mmo just the same as any mmo, same old same old push 1, push 2 push 3, go back to 1.....
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Too easy, and boring, and not enough people to play with.


Combat is sluggish, classes are meh design, leveling is so incredibly boring.


I can't imagine anyone, myself included, would even be playing this game if it wasn't called star wars.


Totaly Agree

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I just have one bad thing to say about it, but to me it a rather huge one, I played a lot of MMO's and quit them do to two resones 1 game play is more then a bit boring, and no story, the fixed one part of that and the game Star Wars The Old Republic has a good story, but game play.... is boring as ever in any mmo just the same as any mmo, same old same old push 1, push 2 push 3, go back to 1.....


What did you expect, full motion control using your webcam?


Because that doesn't make you look crazy, does it?

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I don't really have any major complaints about the game. Only issue that actually gets on my nerves is I'm on a low Pop server. Which makes PvP after about 12:30am almost non existent other than that nothing. Other than SOA not cooperating in Hardmode Eternity Vault.
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It could be better in many aspects but, looking at the disasters of the past few years, it could be a lot worse as well. I had no expectations when I started playing so I wasn't disappointed. Even though I'm not a role-player, I love the conversations and quest lines to an insane degree according to my friends. (I'm on my 5th char and I still don't skip any dialogues and make it a point to get companion affection up, just to see where it goes).


My only real gripe is the lack of any long-term goals that would justify a subscription for the long-term. Once I get tired of rolling and leveling alts (I play them to 50 before making a new one), there is nothing that interests me, as ops were cleared on hard mode like... a week after the rest of KP was out and people just lost interest.

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I like the game as a whole, would like for the devs to put some of the folowing things in to make it close to perfect.


Free roaming space combat.

Night and day cycle

More free roaming on planets atm there is not much reason to explore which i love.


I think that the general game is good i like the classes and the storylines, i think pvp is fun and i like the endgame content. Granted i am looking forward to more endgame content

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I enjoy the game for what it is at the moment, a baby and it has some great potential. The crafting system is getting better if what I've read about 1.2 is right. I like my companions and getting their background story over time. I enjoy the voice over and the quests. Suprisingly I even enjoy the space missions. I'm a fan of twitch flight sims and this seems fun for what it is, a mini game.


Overall I like it but am waiting for it to get better.

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