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obfuscate Does not work pvp.


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i have been hit with it, i still never miss, i hit people with it, they still hit me.



it just doesn't work, total waste of fury(i mean rage).



If i'm wrong tell me, explain to me how this move works, atm i cant make use of it because i dont know when i should be using it.

Edited by direblaze
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It works most significantly against other marauders/sentinels and powertechs/vangaurds since most of their attacks are melee/ranged based. It does absolutely nothing to help you against someone using force/tech attacks. Now here's a question I'm yet to ask, but are the knife attacks from ops/scoundrels melee or tech-based? Coz I can easily see obfuscate potentially saving a squishy teammate being chain-locked by a scoundrel/ops knifer if you obfuscate the scound/ops (naturally, it's much harder to save yourself if you're the one being chain-locked).
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ops/scounds attacks are mostly tech..I think only one (Ambush maybe?) is weapon based.


Objufuscateasd;lfjasfdla also works really well against snipers.


Not true. Pretty much every sniper I've fought hits me even when I have Sabre Ward + Predation + Obfuscate (and with predation + Sabre Ward alone, I have something like 88% defense chance), so most of their skills are tech-based, I'm guessing. Even their ludicrously long root from long range doesn't seem to be evadable.

Edited by SinnedWill
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Obfuscate reduces the target's melee/ranged accuracy by 90%.


Melee/ranged attacks are all physical, or white damage. So obfuscate will do nothing against tech and force attacks. Operatives are almost exclusively tech attacks, including their knife skills. Assassins have a good mix of force and melee, so it is still worth casting.


List of obfuscate targets in order of effectiveness:


Warriors (not rage spec)

Snipers (not lethality spec)




Targets NOT to use obfuscate on:



Bounty Hunters




Obfuscate is debatable for certain bounty hunter builds, since it could save you from a 4k rail shot, which is a physical attack.

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Not true. Pretty much every sniper I've fought hits me even when I have Sabre Ward + Predation + Obfuscate (and with predation + Sabre Ward alone, I have something like 88% defense chance), so most of their skills are tech-based, I'm guessing. Even their ludicrously long root from long range doesn't seem to be evadable.


I suggest you read over the sniper compendium on sithwarrior.




In there it clearly states that most of a snipers attacks are ranged and not tech based. In fact thats a big reason as to why snipers feel less than useful in pvp.


Edit: this is for MM snipers and the gunslinger equivalent, which most are right now prior to 1.2. The other specs do have more tech attacks than MM so that may change depending on whichever spec comes out on top in 1.2

Edited by Foxcolt
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Obfuscate reduces the target's melee/ranged accuracy by 90%.


Melee/ranged attacks are all physical, or white damage. So obfuscate will do nothing against tech and force attacks. Operatives are almost exclusively tech attacks, including their knife skills. Assassins have a good mix of force and melee, so it is still worth casting.


List of obfuscate targets in order of effectiveness:


Warriors (not rage spec)

Snipers (not lethality spec)




Targets NOT to use obfuscate on:



Bounty Hunters




Obfuscate is debatable for certain bounty hunter builds, since it could save you from a 4k rail shot, which is a physical attack.


I would add powertechs/vanguards to your list of targets to use obfuscate on.

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I wasn't sure about how PT damage works and how much is physical, so I didn't add it. If it is mostly physical, glad to have learned something new!


Railshot is physical and it's most of their damage. Obsfucate is the IWIN button against a PT

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