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In-Combat Rez?


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Ya, I mean I understand why sages and sorc's get an in-combat rez using the force and all, but then why do smuggy's and op's get in-combat rez's and we don't?


Probably the same way we are the only class without interrupt (not talking about CC used as interrupts). Because BW loves us... oh wait, devs are too busy playing inquisitors.

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i honestly can see the argument against not having an interrupt (whether or not i agree with it is another matter)


for ops, i can see the argument against us having an in-combat rezz. we should increase the variety of classes in our raids (a combat medic / seer healing team is pretty epic), and since the whole group is only allowed one in-combat rezz every five minutes anyway...


ok, so that's even just stretching it. it could maaaaaaaybe work. but for 4-man hard modes?

why the hell can't i rezz my fallen comrades in the middle of a tough fight? do i lack the proper clearance? i didn't get to the part of the training?

not only does it effectively make combat medics a liability on hard modes, it just simply doesn't make any sense.

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Would be kind of them to offer us one though after ripping our hearts out.


Getting what amounts to a buff for raids in no way makes up for the changes to play to the individual. In the end you only add a raid buff if it is missing in too high a % of raid compositions. Especially if all healers have it, it's hardly going to get you a spot in a raid.

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Hello everyone!


We saw this thread and thought you might like to know that this was recently added as a skill in 1.2 on the PTS. You can find more information here!


Star Wars™: The Old Republic™

Game Update 1.2 PTS Patch Notes


These notes detail changes made to the PTS server on 3/29/2012. These changes ONLY apply to the PTS server.




  • Storm now places a "root" visual effect on the affected target.



  • Emergency Medical Probe is a new level 50 ability that allows the Commando to revive an incapacitated ally. It is usable in combat.
  • Tech Override is now trainable at level 46.


Edited by Trineda
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Emergency Medical Probe: 5 minute cooldown, costs 12 ammo. (I kid).


In all seriousness, though, I am happy to see this change. Although I will still prefer to never use it in a fight, at the very least Commando/Merc now has the option. Teams running with only Trooper healers rejoice.

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