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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Healing reduction


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Couldn't find a post regarding this so making a new one. Healing reduction on some classes is a must. And make interrupts interrupt schools and not single healing spells. To see the healers never even trying to fakecast just because they can spam another heal 1 second later is a joke.
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The real problem with PvP healing is the lack of expertise balancing. Damage boost and mitigation both cancel one another out when both parties are equally geared. +12% damage -12% damage, but where is the cancel out for healing? This means that healers get more out of expertise than any other classes, which is just plain unfair. Why don't I get a third bonus from my expertise stat? Remove healing bonus from expertise and healing would be more in line.
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Well, my point really is that somehow the healing mechanics, pvpwise need to change. Coming into a warzone where the opponents have 5 healers and 3 dmgdealers and we're sitting with 1 healer and 7 "randoms" and they just cant be killed. And the healers can do damage too? Doing more damage than tanks ,generally, how is that possible?


Also 20% reduction is to low. 50% is needed, just need a rework of that ability instead.

Edited by eCoj
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Couldn't find a post regarding this so making a new one. Healing reduction on some classes is a must. And make interrupts interrupt schools and not single healing spells. To see the healers never even trying to fakecast just because they can spam another heal 1 second later is a joke.


So basically with just the press of one button, you can render an entire role useless in game?




What a joke. :rolleyes:

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Couldn't find a post regarding this so making a new one. Healing reduction on some classes is a must. And make interrupts interrupt schools and not single healing spells. To see the healers never even trying to fakecast just because they can spam another heal 1 second later is a joke.


you know if you could pvp you can take out healers 1 vs 1 and wy is everyone moaning if they cant 1 vs 1 a healer ? you know LOS'ing people and healing up 1 vs 1 is not at all bad ? you are suppose to focus fire healers anyway.


not only that if a healer outgears you are not going to kill him anyway.



all this moaning and crying about healers and now they are getting shafted for it because players are just bad.


bioware should of added a class funtion that makes you a healer/dps/tank depending what tree you spent the most points in. and then warzones should match up players set around that function so you will only get a max of around 3 healers in an 8 man warzone instead of the whole team being a healer.



good luck finding a healer in a warzone after 1.2.

Edited by JediDuckling
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exactly....if I can't even heal myself with ONE person on me I'm not going to heal any more.. it won't be worth it because one *********** dps will be able to take me out of the game. I'd rather dps and take people with me than heal and do litereally NOTHING.
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Clearly none of you have been participating in battlegrounds and arenas in WoW. This game has many advantages but the way healing is right now is not one of them.

Take the good parts of other games to improve swtor and dont rage cuz I am suggesting something that regards your class. It worked perfectly in wow during 3 years. (Then came wotlk)

I know all about LoS and stuff. Been playing wow arenas at the top level being ranked Gladiator so don't try lecture me with such nonsense.


And no, my point is not that a 4 sec interrupt should ruin the game for the healers. But if healers learn to fakecast this would all be good or, and if they made the interrupt 3 sec with a 10 sec CD it would be so much better. Adding healing reduction to this of course.

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In WoW (I played it too for few years) Ranged Interrupts had 24 seconds cooldown. Also there were a lot more of istant casts, and generally, heals were stronger.


If they increased the cooldown of interrupts, it may be an option though (meanwhile, I'll keep casting diagnostic scan and get interrupted, so I can freely cast kolto injection - unless 2 focus me, then I'm dead)

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In WoW (I played it too for few years) Ranged Interrupts had 24 seconds cooldown. Also there were a lot more of istant casts, and generally, heals were stronger.


Yes counterspells and equal interrupts that completely locked casts of had 24 sec cd but pummel (warriors) had 10 sec cd and that worked cuz it was easily fakecast by the healers.


But stating again, I am not saying keep the rest of the mechanics as it is like now and nerf healers. Just want a rework of it.

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