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Best Sentinel Leveling Spec/Companion? (Please Read)


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Watchmen, use T7 till u get Doc


Had a marauder I got to 50 using primarily Vette(lvl 10 ranged DPS comp) and Quinn(lvl 2x healer comp). I found I relied on doc a lot since I didnt use my defensive cool downs much while in PvE. After hitting 50 and getting Jaessa (lvl3x melee dps comp) all champ/columni armor I used her exclusively.


Then I rerolled a sentinel to see Republic story line and to get on a PST server where I would be able to play with more people due to timezone issues. I have use Kira the entire way since getting her around lvl 15 or so. Do your best to keep her armor up to date. I bought all orange stuff form Security Key Vendor and the Social lvl 1 stuff for her.


Big thing is to level Watchman, it is slow until around lvl 20-25, but it picks up really quick after that. Use your defensive cool downs as often as you can; know that Rebuke gets used at the start of fights, not at the end or as an OH-SH** button. Anytime you fight a melee silver/gold make sure you use Pacify and force kick on big casts; by big I mean that if the cast is taking a while to get off, its gonna hit hard, whereas short cast times that are even hard to interrupt hit weakly in comparison.


Also, helps to level biochem for reusable med-packs, stims and adrenals. Reusable med-pack will vary in cost, but most of the time are around 1k-15k credits depending on the lvl it is for. I keep my stim up to date with level (8,16,24,32,40,48/rakata) and make adrenals up to date when I can, or buy.



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I came here looking for info on Sentinel specs (and found it, thanks), but really:


Well it so nice to have so many just "flame" a person. No I don't suck and making such derogatory comments is a violation of the TOS, so you best keep your insults to yourself or you may find you don't have an account ot CD key to play anymore.


Your opening salvo was "The class you all love? It sucks hard." What did you expect?


I have done the best that I can do with the armor and such that is availble. I try daily to fins or buy better and the Galactic Market never has anything in the medium armor class or any light sabers.


If you're 50 and doing dailies, go back to Balmorra and earlier, complete EVERY heroic and you'll have Orange pieces in every slot. Any you don't farm the commendations for appropriate planets to buy them. Get mods for them all by buying the Dailies armorings and hilts, plus implants and earpieces, and doing Darkness on Illum (enhancements) and A Lesson Is Learned (Mods).


For belts and bracers, see Dulfy.Net for a post on where to get Orange ones for your class.


I have tried different skill tree combinations and still fine that mobs, Elites and Champions are next to impossbile to deal with. As soon as anything starts attacking Doc, heals are done and shortly there after so is my character.


I'm just learning here in the Sentinel stream (fourth character levelled), but unless you're a tank with a healer, or a healer with a tank companion, its inevitable that you're going to have a bit of trouble, till you get the hang of it. As a pure DPS you need to work fast at burning down whatever is weakest first, while keeping stuff off your healer.


Instead of being deragator and infalmatory, maybe it might be better to recommend things that are helpful instead. :(


Treat others as you'd expect yourself to be treated. Something that's been long forgotten by the internet's primary denizens. As I said, your opening in the thread was completely unhelpful, defeatist, abusive at BioWare, and downright useless. You can't expect people to respect your opinion if you tell them that they're completely wrong, and you'd prefer "to find a cheat engine". Sorry but any MMO player talking about Cheats needs to stop and think.

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Want a hard class to play? go scoundrel they have a legit complaint in pve.


Heh really? I found my Scoundrel healer relatively easy. Hit L50 in 192 hours played, and only really had a hiccup or two on the class chapter stories. Must mean every other class is way easier :D

Edited by Perringaiden
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Stopped playing my Sentinel when i got to Balmorra. Was just too hard for me with Kira.

Started playing it again today but had to go back to T7. Much much easier with the tank.


But i loved Kira until then

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Heh really? I found my Scoundrel healer relatively easy. Hit L50 in 192 hours played, and only really had a hiccup or two on the class chapter stories. Must mean every other class is way easier :D


try lvling as a dps....it sucks


Rerolled gunslinger

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