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Best Sentinel Leveling Spec/Companion? (Please Read)


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Combat spec will level faster on trash clearing (which will be most of the time) however prior to getting doc you will need gear to be top form to take out chapter bosses and such really.


Watchman spec will be moderate and fairly easy for about anything, 'should' have an easier time on bosses prior to doc.


Focus spec will be good on trash and 'ok' on bosses, it will really struggle compared to the other 2 specs on chapter bosses prior to doc.


if leveling via pvp.. just go watchman spec at least till around level 43 (when combat spec works very well)


I strongly advice swapping spec about weekly and trying them all for yourself. too many just go 'watchman' because they are told to... by people who also went with that spec because they was told to, not realising the other two specs are really just as good but simply play different. Find one that suits the way you want to play.


As for companion.. id go with Kira until Doc... once you get Doc the game is just easymode regardless of your spec.

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Combat spec will level faster on trash clearing (which will be most of the time) however prior to getting doc you will need gear to be top form to take out chapter bosses and such really.


Watchman spec will be moderate and fairly easy for about anything, 'should' have an easier time on bosses prior to doc.


Focus spec will be good on trash and 'ok' on bosses, it will really struggle compared to the other 2 specs on chapter bosses prior to doc.


if leveling via pvp.. just go watchman spec at least till around level 43 (when combat spec works very well)


I strongly advice swapping spec about weekly and trying them all for yourself. too many just go 'watchman' because they are told to... by people who also went with that spec because they was told to, not realising the other two specs are really just as good but simply play different. Find one that suits the way you want to play.


As for companion.. id go with Kira until Doc... once you get Doc the game is just easymode regardless of your spec.


I totally disagree with once you get Doc the game is easy mode, far from it. The Sentinel class is a piece of junk, at lvl 50 I cannot even finish Corellia and become so frustrated when trying to beat Elites, Champions or mobs, I have been tempted to find a cheat engine. The problem is clear, medium armor, and nothing available to help unless you spend half your life away on PvP junk. Sorry but I came to the game to enjoy the story and missions, and now I can't enjoy either. Bioware need to fix this class and give them some way of either buffing their armor up, giving them heavy armor like the guardian, or ranged attacks. They also need to make better equipemnt availble by other than PvP.

Edited by MasterWinton
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I totally disagree with once you get Doc the game is easy mode, far from it. The Sentinel class is a piece of junk, at lvl 50 I cannot even finish Corellia and become so frustrated when trying to beat Elites, Champions or mobs, I have been tempted to find a cheat engine. The problem is clear, medium armor, and nothing available to help unless you spend half your life away on PvP junk. Sorry but I came to the game to enjoy the story and missions, and now I can't enjoy either. Bioware need to fix this class and give them some way of either buffing their armor up, giving them heavy armor like the guardian, or ranged attacks. They also need to make better equipemnt availble by other than PvP.


class isn't broken. Want a hard class to play? go scoundrel they have a legit complaint in pve. Watchman spec sents destroy anything. I should know i played the mirror and i only died if i got tunnel vision. sents have the best defensive CD's, sadly even better then guardians. Try to play a dps guardian and you'll see how fast you die just like a sent.

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I totally disagree with once you get Doc the game is easy mode, far from it. The Sentinel class is a piece of junk, at lvl 50 I cannot even finish Corellia and become so frustrated when trying to beat Elites, Champions or mobs, I have been tempted to find a cheat engine. The problem is clear, medium armor, and nothing available to help unless you spend half your life away on PvP junk. Sorry but I came to the game to enjoy the story and missions, and now I can't enjoy either. Bioware need to fix this class and give them some way of either buffing their armor up, giving them heavy armor like the guardian, or ranged attacks. They also need to make better equipemnt availble by other than PvP.


Maybe it's you? I never had problems with any quests. Heck now that I'm 3/5 Rakata *the other pieces are Columi, Rating 140 everything else. My Doc is also in mostly Tionese or Columi gear... I can solo the Ilum and Belsavis daily Heroic 2's and I can also solo the Heroic 2's on Corellia. It's definitely not the spec or class.

Edited by Nitrosnwbrdr
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I totally disagree with once you get Doc the game is easy mode, far from it. The Sentinel class is a piece of junk, at lvl 50 I cannot even finish Corellia and become so frustrated when trying to beat Elites, Champions or mobs, I have been tempted to find a cheat engine. The problem is clear, medium armor, and nothing available to help unless you spend half your life away on PvP junk. Sorry but I came to the game to enjoy the story and missions, and now I can't enjoy either. Bioware need to fix this class and give them some way of either buffing their armor up, giving them heavy armor like the guardian, or ranged attacks. They also need to make better equipemnt availble by other than PvP.


Sentinel class is not for everyone, i found very little challenge in my entire time PvE'ing up to 50 with Sentinel (Mostly combat spec). I solo'd most heroic 2+ all the way up to 50 (even prior to doc) the class quests mostly trivial. Even now at 50 i can solo all the dailies including all the heroics. (most of which i was able to do as a fresh 50 too)


Assuming this is not a 'troll' post then i can only surmise that you are lacking necessary knowledge of your class abilities, read all the tooltips, make sure you have them all on hotbars and use them all.

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I totally disagree with once you get Doc the game is easy mode, far from it. The Sentinel class is a piece of junk, at lvl 50 I cannot even finish Corellia and become so frustrated when trying to beat Elites, Champions or mobs, I have been tempted to find a cheat engine. The problem is clear, medium armor, and nothing available to help unless you spend half your life away on PvP junk. Sorry but I came to the game to enjoy the story and missions, and now I can't enjoy either. Bioware need to fix this class and give them some way of either buffing their armor up, giving them heavy armor like the guardian, or ranged attacks. They also need to make better equipemnt availble by other than PvP.


I mean this as polite as possible. You're either speced wrong, or are bad at playing your character. I played through every quest, bonus series, etc. in the game. I finished about half of Coreilla and finished my class quest series at level 49. Every quest I soloed (except the 4 +heroics). I did it as a bad spec too, (Focus), as I hadnt touched the glory of watchman until 50. If you spec watchman this will be even easier. And I'm strictly an average player.


Are you using rebuke, saber ward, force camo, pacify, awe, gbtf, stasis.. and occasionally for a boss your heroic moment? Are you manually controlling your companion or just letting them auto-move?


Bioware does not need to fix our class. They need to NERF our class because we're by far the most powerful and overpowered damage class in the game.


I regularly 1v2 people in warzones (who have full BM gear) in my full PVE gear. This shouldnt be happening.


If the changes listed in 1.2 come into affect, you'll see decent sentinels 1v3ing people.

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The title says it all, thanks a lot in advance. :)


Go watchman. It's the best (hands down) pve and pvp spec. Anyone who says otherwise likely has not tried this spec.


Dont take my word for it though, go spec all 3 trees first.


Companion? Id recomend Kira for non-elite trash ,etc, so you can kill stuff faster. Use doc for boss fights.

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I totally disagree with once you get Doc the game is easy mode, far from it. The Sentinel class is a piece of junk, at lvl 50 I cannot even finish Corellia and become so frustrated when trying to beat Elites, Champions or mobs, I have been tempted to find a cheat engine. The problem is clear, medium armor, and nothing available to help unless you spend half your life away on PvP junk. Sorry but I came to the game to enjoy the story and missions, and now I can't enjoy either. Bioware need to fix this class and give them some way of either buffing their armor up, giving them heavy armor like the guardian, or ranged attacks. They also need to make better equipemnt availble by other than PvP.


LMAO! You trollin'? Leveling as a Sentinel was absolutely easy mode all the way through 1-50. If you are really having that much trouble then you either suck or your gear is way out of date, which is really just a subset of sucking. Either way, your time would be better spent improving yourself instead of whining on the forums, because I guarantee that the problem is not with the class.

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Go watchman. It's the best (hands down) pve and pvp spec. Anyone who says otherwise likely has not tried this spec.


Dont take my word for it though, go spec all 3 trees first.


Companion? Id recomend Kira for non-elite trash ,etc, so you can kill stuff faster. Use doc for boss fights.


The problem with this is that while leveling it's really tough to keep two companion's gear up to date while also keeping yourself tip top unless you spend a lot of credits at the GTN. I find that it's best to focus on a single companion, and in the case of the Jedi Knight, the best companion to focus on is Doc.

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Well it so nice to have so many just "flame" a person. No I don't suck and making such derogatory comments is a violation of the TOS, so you best keep your insults to yourself or you may find you don't have an account ot CD key to play anymore.


I have done the best that I can do with the armor and such that is availble. I try daily to fins or buy better and the Galactic Market never has anything in the medium armor class or any light sabers.


I have tried different skill tree combinations and still fine that mobs, Elites and Champions are next to impossbile to deal with. As soon as anything starts attacking Doc, heals are done and shortly there after so is my character.


Instead of being deragator and infalmatory, maybe it might be better to recommend things that are helpful instead. :(

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To be honest and this is not to flame you at all, I found leveling the Sentinel to be very easy and did not have any trouble through Correlia.


As a Watchman it is incredibly important to manage your DoTs effectively from both Cauterize and OS. If the stacks are placed correctly and you are using your utilities to either interrupt or threat dump with FC you should not run into any issues.


One thing that really helped me was the ordering of the companion (particulary Doc). Put them on the Elite or Strong (whatever is highest) first before you force leap in then burn down the regs very quickly.


Worked for me.

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What Watchmen build are you guys using? Im Combat tree and love it. Doc is all decked out. I have a decent amount of rakata including main hand. Would like to spec to watchmen for our 16 man NMM but not sure what tree is best. im 5 31 5 now on combat I think :p
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Well it so nice to have so many just "flame" a person. No I don't suck and making such derogatory comments is a violation of the TOS, so you best keep your insults to yourself or you may find you don't have an account ot CD key to play anymore.


I have done the best that I can do with the armor and such that is availble. I try daily to fins or buy better and the Galactic Market never has anything in the medium armor class or any light sabers.


I have tried different skill tree combinations and still fine that mobs, Elites and Champions are next to impossbile to deal with. As soon as anything starts attacking Doc, heals are done and shortly there after so is my character.


Instead of being deragator and infalmatory, maybe it might be better to recommend things that are helpful instead. :(


Just maybe people were "flaming" you because you insist that despite most everyone elses experience of not having any problems when leveling, you keep repeating that EVERYONE is wrong and that YOU are correct.


Sorry man, but the majority are finding no problems with sentinel, lightsabers, using medium armor, etc. So it looks like the problem resides with something YOU are doing/not doing.

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Well it so nice to have so many just "flame" a person. No I don't suck and making such derogatory comments is a violation of the TOS, so you best keep your insults to yourself or you may find you don't have an account ot CD key to play anymore.


I have done the best that I can do with the armor and such that is availble. I try daily to fins or buy better and the Galactic Market never has anything in the medium armor class or any light sabers.


I have tried different skill tree combinations and still fine that mobs, Elites and Champions are next to impossbile to deal with. As soon as anything starts attacking Doc, heals are done and shortly there after so is my character.


Instead of being deragator and infalmatory, maybe it might be better to recommend things that are helpful instead. :(


You're doing it wrong - thats as blunt as it can be said (im going to pretend you are not trolling here).


By 25ish you should have mostly orange gear in your main slots. Keep it, dont get of it or sell it. Now when you level through the planets, select the commendations as quest rewards. Once you are finished with the planet, head over to the commendations vendor and upgrade hilts and armoring. Any quests that give just items that you dont need, gear up doc. This will help with your gear.


Im not going to provide feedback on specs etc, you will need to figure that out - there are plenty of guides around (check youtube).


Maybe at the end of the day, you should just face the facts - you are not a very skilled player.

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What Watchmen build are you guys using? Im Combat tree and love it. Doc is all decked out. I have a decent amount of rakata including main hand. Would like to spec to watchmen for our 16 man NMM but not sure what tree is best. im 5 31 5 now on combat I think :p


I leveled mostly as combat spec, most times i tried watchman i found it lackluster whilst leveling as its burst is lacking for trash compared to combat spec and its 'strengths' (self healing) mostly unneccessary in such easy content, especially so once you get Doc.


and on my combat spec im 3/35/3 due to playing mostly pvp (i love the immobilises :p)


Watchman really needs 'boss fights' and pvp to be worth it. Leveling mostly via pvp i would recommend watchman to any sentinel, leveling mostly via pve id recommend combat ;)


at 50.. completely a playstyle choice between all 3 very fun and viable specs

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Ok, thanks. What stance do you play watchman in?


Juyo. Here's my build, FWIW. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501rIbkrRMcGzZG0bZM.1


This is my first MMO and my sentinel was my first character. Did I run into trouble now and then? Oh yes. Did I persevere and improve both my character and myself? Absolutely. Is the class impossible to level with? Not even close. The final fight of the storyline was a mother, but I did it. Now I can solo the Heroic 2 Belsavis daily - probably no big deal to some of the other commenters, but I felt pretty good about myself the first time I pulled that off. :)


For the companion question - I used Kira as soon as I got her, then Doc as soon as I got him. Looking back I wish I had used T7 while leveling. Now that I'm 50 I still use Doc in dailies and have him rather well-equipped.


I don't PvP so I can't comment as to that.

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Well it so nice to have so many just "flame" a person. No I don't suck and making such derogatory comments is a violation of the TOS, so you best keep your insults to yourself or you may find you don't have an account ot CD key to play anymore.


I have done the best that I can do with the armor and such that is availble. I try daily to fins or buy better and the Galactic Market never has anything in the medium armor class or any light sabers.


I have tried different skill tree combinations and still fine that mobs, Elites and Champions are next to impossbile to deal with. As soon as anything starts attacking Doc, heals are done and shortly there after so is my character.


Instead of being deragator and infalmatory, maybe it might be better to recommend things that are helpful instead. :(


I'm with you dude. I really am. I love how conversations like this inevitably bring out the experts who tell you that its easy peasy. Well, it's not. And it is not supposed to be.


However, it is doable and enjoyable. But you really have to put what you have learned into practice in every way. You have to really tighten up your rotation and think about tactics given the npcs you are facing. Spamming isn't enough. You know the drill by now, its about the gear, your companions gear, your choice of companion, your understanding of your enemy (ranged or melee, strong or weak etc.) and your plan of attack including what to do should things start going south. And yes, that might mean practice.


I suggest you go to a significantly lower planet like Hoth for example, take one of the Heroics like Prisoners in that first section and solo it. Work on everything, rotation, companion, etc. The enemy should be low enough level not to do serious damage but strong enough to allow you to experiment and work on the timing of your attacks and rotation.


Personally, this is my first mmo, and I had difficulty at first. I avoided elites and most certainly champs. After working diligently and taking the good insights found here and elsewhere I have progressed to the point that taking down elites at level is no longer a huge concern. I still don't seek out champs for solo work, but in a pinch, I will challenge them if needed. And bosses at the end of quests are challenging but nothing to fear. I beat the boss of all bosses and completed the class quests on the first try, but I went in prepared.


So don't give up. A little work and you will soon be up to speed. And you will find it very satisfying too. Much more than the experts would have you believe.

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The Sentinel class is a piece of junk, at lvl 50 I cannot even finish Corellia and become so frustrated when trying to beat Elites, Champions or mobs


Nope. Corellia (and Voss) is just harder than you're used to. Happens to all classes.

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