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Hate to say it....


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But... I don't think I will be extending my sub when it renews in a week. I'll give MY reasons why.. and not to bash the game...but maybe these reasons are more legit than the typipcal "I'm un-subbing because the server downtime ruined my raid" reason.


I travel 11 months a year... usually take the laptops and my favorite MMO to keep my sanity out there. I decided to take a 2 month vacation to come home. I bought the game in late Jan... here is what kills me..


1: I have already made 4 lvl50 characters... The lack of end-game content has destroyed my interest in making another character or going any further. I believe end-game content is 75% of retention.


2: Character options... There just aren't enough to make my character unique. I don't feel that I can "build" a Sith Juggernaut that is significantly different than any other Sith Juggernaut out there...etc. etc. etc. I've played another MMO for over 8 years (not WoW)..and as I have said before.... You can customize every single part of your character all the way down to each power/attack/toggle/etc. One guy can build a power for all dmg....where as another builds that same power for all secondary effects etc. The "gear" and set bonuses are endless.... It makes my character feel more like my character..and not a level50 that is riding the same rails as every other 50 of my class.


3: User interface... While the junk video of the 1.2 patch shows a half second clip of the GUI changes...I need MORE action bars!! I am a "clicker" and don't like jumping around the screen to activate something...


4: In the 2 months I have had the game..... This 1.2 patch has been dragging me along..once I finished the jazillion Gig test download... I found that I was not very impressed at all with end-game content or anything to keep me playing more. Adding new dailies and a flashpoint/ops will only keep me interested a week or so before I get tired of doing them over and over for anything to do... PvP I also don't enjoy.


So....flame this one if you want. It makes no difference to me. To each his own. I DO love the game as it plays through...but I have found that it is a "once through" game to me...no different than a single player game you beat..and shelf.... So, since the game seems to STILL be in it's major development stage... I will check-in on it at the end of the year to see what new patches and expansions have been added....and go from there...


Meanwhile... I will be going back to my other MMO that has kept me paying for 8 years now...why?? Because they have perfected the content phase...they give lvl50's more to do than you have time for...and by the time youo think you have done it all....They add another entire round of new content. Every 3 months you basically get a free expansion... $15 a month for SWTOR and my other MMO.... One can keep me for 8yrs and the other one can't keep me for 3 months...all due to lack of content.


Good luck out there and have fun!!

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Good luck to you too and have fun in your mmo. I try to understand why you have to explain to all of us the reasons you're leaving the game? Why don't you just... leave? I don't try to be mean, I just try to understand. :jawa_biggrin:
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This thread will get locked because people can't comment in anything other than flames, but I wanted to just mention a few things.


First off, it is up to you in what the game can give you and if you are at a point where you feel things are done, well I dont blame you for looking elsewhere. It makes no sense to stay when you are not happy with how things are. I hope you enjoy what ever game can keep your interest.


Second, this is not a single player game, although there are a lot of what makes it feel that way. lol No offense but you are playing an MMO with a single player mind set. Once capped on characters you are essentially done.


Perhaps if you took a different approach in helping strangers, friends, guild mates, you could open up more of the MMO world and it might help keep your interest.


Not to say your style is wrong or anything, just that I have found MMO games open up when not only focusing in single player mode. :D

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In truth, I joined a guild that was supposed to run FP/Ops but they switched to full time PvP.... joined another guild and the problem is, they are bored with running FP and dailies also...


In fleet I try to get into a FP but for the most part I get rejected bc I don't have the gear they want me to have..


True, I play with a single player mindset...and jump into group stuff depending on my mood. This developed I think from traveling and working 90hrs a week all year... What little time I get to play...I don't have for a 2-3 hour run with groups on task forces etc.


I'm sure there is more to do but I think I have lost interest for the most part...


I know this will get flamed up... but for those who want to use the "why even post this" line... Why not?? Opinions and points of view are constructive....I like to use mine where available =)

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Given your play time, you kinda need to play with that style to accomplish some things.


I don't know, I have been spoiled with my guild and those around me I guess. The only pressure I placed is on myself, no matter how much time I had to play for the day or week, was to try and catch up to friends. It was never a competition and at the end of the day, be that I gained 5 levels or none, it was always what was done while logged on that was important.


I am very lucky to have the guild I do. Some days we won't level at all and just run around helping each other or others. Some it is just grind time. Others it is doing flashpoints, or pvp. We could serve ourselves better with more scheduled events, something we are working on actually, but if we don't get that one FP done, or don't reach that one level, we are ok with that as it is not a race.


I am sure you understand this and given the chance you would probably play in a similar fashion. Play time changes the game for most. :D

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not so hard... went from 27 to 50 and valor rank 50 within 6days if you only play evenings and full on a weekend... you keep doing green/gray quests, cause that is what you are actually doing if you want to experience every planet and its stories.


On a note, after the first or maybe second characteryou spacebar the quests asap.. with the speeder at level 25 its just a matter of days to be 50.. even if you do not rush.

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Hello everyone,


While we do appreciate anyone who takes the time to compile constructive feedback for us, we're closing this thread, as we do have a forum for suggestions and many subforums for specific topics. Don't forget that you can also use the In-Game Customer Service Portal to report any issues you encounter!


If you have a specific suggestion or individual piece of feedback, we encourage you to post in the Suggestion Box forum or to make a thread regarding your issue in the relevant subforum.


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