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If you are a marauder...


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and didnt play all of the specs (anni/carnage/rage) in PvP, but mainly focused on being a one trick pony...


Well, then you are not a true marauder. Now respec and go do some Wzs.



Just Sayin' lol.

Edited by atreyuz
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use to be a hardcore carnage fan in beta... it's been nerfed hard since then.


tried out annihilation at launch... fell in love


tried out rage... soo boring



I keep switching to carnage in hopes of it getting better... sad panda it doesn't and 1.2 won't make it better either.

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use to be a hardcore carnage fan in beta... it's been nerfed hard since then.


tried out annihilation at launch... fell in love


tried out rage... soo boring



I keep switching to carnage in hopes of it getting better... sad panda it doesn't and 1.2 won't make it better either.


I was not around in beta. Could you explain what some of these major changes to Carnage were from beta to launch?


I myself love Carnage too, it's just that Annihilation is way better by comparison, and 1.2 might not change this fact.

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I'm yet to try a certain hybrid build I've devised, but I've tried them all and carnage (even right now, despite being gimped) is my favorite. Annihilation gives much more survivability and sustained DPS, but the raw burst dps of a carnage with good rotations and tactics will take out most any class with the quickest result, albeit you'll likely die twice as much. Rage mara just wasn't for me. It fealt like the biggest "one-trick-pony" out of all the specs, but being able to almost always have predation up is very useful - my real issue with rage mara is that you almost have to have a 2nd rage mara or jugg in group to really shine. Without someone else using empowered smashes, the damage can get healed away quickly and the rage mara's smashes are easier to avoid than a jugg's due to less cc.
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Lvled to about 30 as rage, went anni to 50, got bored of being the same spec as everyone else and went carnage. I love the fastpaced style. The best part is rooting people and having them wonder what just happened since basically no one is carnage on my server.


I didn't get the full experience of rage, but it's really just not for me.

Edited by maggito
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Your hybrid build... was it carnage/annihilation, perchance? If so, I have to ask how it performed.





Is the build i used and i used it for 10 matches and I Averaged 250-300k as far as the build your talking about i have not tried but that one is worth checking out.




There is a recorded stream of him using the build he also created it. It will be getting buffed with 1.2

Edited by Ethudor
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I really hope they do something for Carnage, because it really is a fun spec to play, although I think annihilation is more challenging on the whole and I enjoy that. Carnage should do more sustained dmg imo, to make up for the heals that annihilation gives.


Rage is just.. well, it's fun when it works but it's also very frustrating to get knocked back just as you are about to set up that big smash. And even when you do.. it really only shines when you have 3-4 people all getting those big 4-6k smashes at once. When that happens, you can wipe out an entire grp if they are tightly packed, which is pretty baller. My main issue is that other than smash and force scream, the build really lacks anything else. Oblit speed buff is nice, 100% pred up time is nice if you can manage to keep your party on leash, but all in all the build is just so-so.

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I really hope they do something for Carnage, because it really is a fun spec to play, although I think annihilation is more challenging on the whole and I enjoy that. Carnage should do more sustained dmg imo, to make up for the heals that annihilation gives.


Rage is just.. well, it's fun when it works but it's also very frustrating to get knocked back just as you are about to set up that big smash. And even when you do.. it really only shines when you have 3-4 people all getting those big 4-6k smashes at once. When that happens, you can wipe out an entire grp if they are tightly packed, which is pretty baller. My main issue is that other than smash and force scream, the build really lacks anything else. Oblit speed buff is nice, 100% pred up time is nice if you can manage to keep your party on leash, but all in all the build is just so-so.


Patch notes, go read them.

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and didnt play all of the specs (anni/carnage/rage) in PvP, but mainly focused on being a one trick pony...


Well, then you are not a true marauder. Now respec and go do some Wzs.



Just Sayin' lol.


I picked the spec I liked and I stuck with it. Why would I force myself to play something I dislike to satisfy your "no true Scotsman" fallacy?

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I was not around in beta. Could you explain what some of these major changes to Carnage were from beta to launch?


I myself love Carnage too, it's just that Annihilation is way better by comparison, and 1.2 might not change this fact.


Talent for free force scream after charge, got moved to juggs.


The talent to reduce the CD of scream by 1.5/3 seconds and 1/2 rage only reduced the cooldown by 3/6 seconds.


Ataru hit damage talent was 20/40% instead of 15/30%.


Battering Assault use to do almost as much damage as a massacre with no ataru proc and build 3 rage (4 talented) and was only on a 4.5 second cool down.



taking away all of those things kinda hurt carnage a lot.

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i respec several times a week


played all 3 specs extensively


im carnage atm, when i last switched to it something clicked and im doing much better with it than i used to


its a good spec, plus i prefer the fluidity of carnage over the style of the other 2 specs


cant wait to see how the changes in 1.2 play out in-game

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On the half way subject of hybrid builds, has anyone tried Anni+Rage.




Above build would be the general one I've had in mind. We drop Anni, gain another gap closer, and buff up VS damage. Overall losing 2/2 Phantom, Empowerment and any Carnage talents.


Too lazy to play with it myself, but always been very curious to see how it'd work in PvP. Confused the heck out of everyone with Anni having two charges.

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On the half way subject of hybrid builds, has anyone tried Anni+Rage.




Above build would be the general one I've had in mind. We drop Anni, gain another gap closer, and buff up VS damage. Overall losing 2/2 Phantom, Empowerment and any Carnage talents.


Too lazy to play with it myself, but always been very curious to see how it'd work in PvP. Confused the heck out of everyone with Anni having two charges.


LoL Im playing a Roflmao build hybrid Carna/Anni...it's quite fun

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