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swtor the boring pvp game


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so we reached lvl 50 so we got full bm geared and now what??? huttball allday long..thats so amazing...we were promised open pvp/rvr and what we got is 3 stupid wz's...come on bioware..for many of us, once our game cards are over u 'll never get paid by us again. I really cant imagine how the hell u made a crazy fun of starwars hate ur game
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I really cant imagine how the hell u made a crazy fun of starwars hate ur game


No one is forcing you to play Warzones. Organize some RvR in The Outlaw's Den. But wait, that actually involves putting forth more effort than sitting on the Fleet and queuing for Warzones, then coming on here to QQ about being bored.

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No one is forcing you to play Warzones. Organize some RvR in The Outlaw's Den. But wait, that actually involves putting forth more effort than sitting on the Fleet and queuing for Warzones, then coming on here to QQ about being bored.


but, but effort=skill right?.?.?

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Hi there!


We appreciate you taking the time to express your thoughts and concerns, but will be closing this thread, as there is little room for constructive discussion. We encourage you to make threads about specific game-related topics if you like and wish you the best.

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