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Light vs dark


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My first forum thread. :)

I must say I enjoy this game very much, but I have som issues to discuss. This time it´s about light and dark side points.

I think it affects your character, and companion characters reaktions towards yourself, almost insignificant. The two force energies should matter more in the game somehow. It has great opportunities to boost this game a lot, than that it just matters in which gear you may use and how the end-scene will be.


I want the light and dark side points affect your abilities. For example that you lose dark side powers if you become too light side and gain light side power choices to buy instead. Every power should have their highs and lows when they appear and disappear.

I also think they should matter to the abilities the player are able to use. For example that force lightning gets stronger if the player has a lot of dark side points.


Light and dark side shouldn´t be the same either. Light side points should be harder to earn and dark side easier because it´s more tempting. Though, the dark side then could have a high price for the easy power the more points you get. The more light side you are, the more it should reward you for resisting the dark side somehow, because it´s harder to earn.


I have more to add according to this, but I stop here. I´ve already got to the point (dark or light I don´t know ;)).

Seriously, this is how the force works in the other Star Wars stories and I think it should be reflected somehow in the game. I really want it to matter more.

What I wrote above is only a suggestion how it could work.

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