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Choosing a healer


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For you raiders, do you have a preference when setting up a group for an op?


I have never healed before ever, so I want the experience to be as painless as possible.


I am leaning toward sorc because they are easier to play, but there are a few reasons I feel like operative is worth considering.


+operative looks cooler, and has imo much more fun companions and story

+less popular may mean it is easier to get a raid spot, unless they really are inferior


The only thing is I have no desire to do dps as an operative. I don't want to be a watered down mara/sin running around and multitasking. If it were possible to dual spec a healing op/sniper I would love it. But with a sorc I could actually have a dps offspec, even if I do look like a tool in a dress.


I like playing a specialist character that has a very set rotation without a lot of micromanagement.

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For you raiders, do you have a preference when setting up a group for an op?


I have never healed before ever, so I want the experience to be as painless as possible.


I am leaning toward sorc because they are easier to play, but there are a few reasons I feel like operative is worth considering.


+operative looks cooler, and has imo much more fun companions and story

+less popular may mean it is easier to get a raid spot, unless they really are inferior


The only thing is I have no desire to do dps as an operative. I don't want to be a watered down mara/sin running around and multitasking. If it were possible to dual spec a healing op/sniper I would love it. But with a sorc I could actually have a dps offspec, even if I do look like a tool in a dress.


I like playing a specialist character that has a very set rotation without a lot of micromanagement.


Bioware stated that their goal with the Nerfs in 1.2 is to bring all healers into the same level of effectiveness. So, you should probably just choose what you like. And I agree with you that Ops healing is cooler as well. Who doesn't want to heal by shooting a syringe through the air? :cool:


Honestly, Ops and Commando's have the coolest animations, IMO. Shooting a Syringe and summoning a medical Probe < waving your hand for Sages/Sorc and pressing buttons on your wrist/pressing on a TV remote for Mercs/Scoundrels.

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I'd go operative too. It's a really interesting advanced class (decent healing, decent dps, stealth, backstabs, good-looking uniforms), the storyline is really good... but you better love to have a totally psychopath companion (Kaliyo) for a while! :jawa_biggrin:


On the republic side, I'd go with the commando. The storyline is amazing imo and the combat animations are great. You really feel like a scifi battlefield medic wielding a big ****** machine gun. :jawa_smile:

Edited by Sammm
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I'd go operative too. It's a really interesting advanced class (decent healing, decent dps, stealth, backstabs, good-looking uniforms), the storyline is really good... but you better love to have a totally psychopath companion (Kaliyo) for a while! :jawa_biggrin:


I totally adore Kaliyo; I have a 33 sniper and I quite warmed up to the cover system as soon as I replaced cover with portable crouch. I played pure darkside and it was great to be a calm sociopath thug who doesn't have the excuse of the force to forgive his monstrous behavior.


I forgot stealth as a feature, diddn't even occur to list that as a perk. Does it save you a lot of time questing, especially dailies/gathering?


I plan on doing cybertech so I would be able to build-a-bear Scorpio too.


Damn I am really leaning toward op... someone talk me out of it!

Edited by futuredami
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