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Non-raider asks: Please let us transfer set bonuses of Tionese and Columi items


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I am not a raider (mainly because I don't have enough people in my guild who want to and it's too large a time commitment), but I still enjoy doing hardmode flashpoints with a few friends or with PUG's. As such, one of my primary goals was to acquire a full set of Columi gear--I knew this would be the epitome of what I could achieve on the PvE side, and I was fine with that. The set bonuses were still very exciting to me.


I was not a fan of the appearance of my Columi gear, however, and I was looking forward to being able to transfer my Columi armoring to my large collection of orange gear--especially my hard-grinded Imperial Pilot outfit.


Unfortunately, from recent dev comments it sounds like only new tier 2 raid gear and War Hero gear will allow transfering of set bonuses.


This is very disappointing to me--someone who is not a hardcore PvPer or raider, but who still enjoys hard mode flashpoints, space combat, dailies and the occasional warzone. For me, Columi gear was a nice, satisfying reward for my efforts which enhanced all of my playstyle.


I feel like 1.2 is leaving me behind, as I have no hope of being able to attain the tier 2 raid gear, because I simply can't raid at all. I just don't have the time. So I am left being forced to choose (still) between having the set bonuses from my Columi gear or not hating how my character looks. And I will likely be stuck with this choice until the level cap is raised and a new tier of flashpoint gear (not raid gear) is released. This makes me sad. :(


BioWare, please reconsider making set-bonus-transfer-on-armoring retroactively apply to tier 1 gear as well. Us non-raiding flashpointers deserve some cosmetic love too.



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its the same set bonus.... they all transfer no matter if its tionese or rakata or centurion or battlemaster. Same set is the same set. So i dont know if you just read it wrong or were told the wrong info but anything with a set bonus transfers no matter what version of tier 1 PvE/PvP.
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its the same set bonus.... they all transfer no matter if its tionese or rakata or centurion or battlemaster. Same set is the same set. So i dont know if you just read it wrong or were told the wrong info but anything with a set bonus transfers no matter what version of tier 1 PvE/PvP.


My current understanding of the system based on what Georg has said is that the current end-game gear will still have their set bonuses tied to the shell item, with their armoring removable. The 1.2 gear will have their set bonuses tied to the armoring mod and therefore can be placed in whatever you want.


I still don't understand why it would be done this way instead of making all set bonuses tied to armoring.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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Agreed 100%.

I'm a casual raider who, between hardmode Flashpoints and standard difficulty Operations, has acquired two sets' worth of Columi gear. I hate the look, I'm ambivalent about the stat distribution, but I love the set bonuses. I would pay a gorillion credits to be able to move the set bonuses to orange armor. Pretty please with a continued subscription on top?

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Actually, the way that they're doing this currently could lead to some pretty nasty exploits.

For example, suppose you take the armorings from Tier 2 gear and put them into shells from Tier 1 gear. You could conceivably then get two different bonus sets, one from the Tier 1 shell and one from the Tier 2 bonus. Now, while it would certainly be cool to run around as my Commando with the sheer offensive power of the Eliminator set and the damage mitigation of the Supercommando set, the game would break pretty badly.


See Devs? Even if you don't care about people's aesthetic opinions, you should grant us this simply for the sake of game balance.

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Actually, the way that they're doing this currently could lead to some pretty nasty exploits.

For example, suppose you take the armorings from Tier 2 gear and put them into shells from Tier 1 gear. You could conceivably then get two different bonus sets, one from the Tier 1 shell and one from the Tier 2 bonus. Now, while it would certainly be cool to run around as my Commando with the sheer offensive power of the Eliminator set and the damage mitigation of the Supercommando set, the game would break pretty badly.


See Devs? Even if you don't care about people's aesthetic opinions, you should grant us this simply for the sake of game balance.


thats already been tested on the pts, and it doesnt work. the issue isnt that they dont want to, or have decided against it, its an issue with coding. especially with how long these sets have been available and how many have stripped the mods and such already.


@plia http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=3531734#edit3531734


explains why you are wrong and should stop spreading misinformation.

Edited by livnthedream
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It doesn't matter if people have stripped the mods or not. The modification that the set bonus would be bound to is the Armoring, which is not currently removable. And there really is no reason why they couldn't at least make Tier 1 gear acquired AFTER 1.2 have the set bonus on the armoring. If it was possible for Tier 2 gear, coding-wise, it should be possible for Tier 1 gear.
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It doesn't matter if people have stripped the mods or not. The modification that the set bonus would be bound to is the Armoring, which is not currently removable. And there really is no reason why they couldn't at least make Tier 1 gear acquired AFTER 1.2 have the set bonus on the armoring. If it was possible for Tier 2 gear, coding-wise, it should be possible for Tier 1 gear.


t2 gear was coded with this in mind. with how many are going to quickly move on to the new tier its essentially a waste of time to go back and completely recode 3 sets of gear.

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