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Open World PvP


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Sorry if this is covered in another thread. It seems to me that Bioware feels that our gaming community does not want or care about open world PvP. Maybe I don't speak for everyone, but I and the large PvP guild I'm in care about it very much. Don't get me wrong, WZ's are fun, I especially enjoy Huttball, but we need some other form of PvP to do besides WZ's. While broken, Ilum had potential and on the rare occasion that we got some decent sized battles going, I had a blast. After too many people show up it became a lagfest but around 1 op vs 1 op was awesome fun. Many of us were willing to put up with the lag issues just for a chance at some good world PvP. I was still more than willing to go out there but now it is almost completely deincentivized, and what little incentive there is, is being removed. I understand the priority is no longer owPvP and that it could be more than a year before we see a replacement for Ilum, but was it really a good idea to make Ilum even worse than it was? If people don't like it they don't have to go there, but for those of us that do enjoy it please provide some other form of PvP, or incentivize in the meantime while we wait for another PvP planet. I like this game and likely will stick it out, I just want something to do besides WZ all day. I do play alts and some PvE but my main thing is killing Pubs on a massive scale, so please help us out Bioware. If you guys can't get the owPvP to work or it's gonna take a while, my suggestion would be to make 1 or more 16 or even 24 man WZ's so we can get our massive battle fix. Thanks fellas.
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It's not impossible, all I'm saying was that for some of us Ilum was fun and to pls add incentive again or find something else. I just want Bioware to know that people DO want open world or large scale PvP in this game. If you want it sign this.
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It's not impossible, all I'm saying was that for some of us Ilum was fun and to pls add incentive again or find something else. I just want Bioware to know that people DO want open world or large scale PvP in this game. If you want it sign this.


we already had dozens of suczh threads. many do want open world pvp. but it is impossible.


you enjoyed illum? fine. why don't you enjoy it anymore? no one there?


illume didn't failed because of missing objectives. open pvp failes because tehre are too few players!


when some are interested to fight they do not find anybody on these large planets with a at best 20 players on them. and you even cannot really provoke anything attacking a base because they are all defended by level 50 champs.


best open world pvp we had in vanilla wow wihtout ANY objectives but more than 2000 players per realm.

we had it through leveling, because quest areas were shared, because there were many players on the same map.

we had it at mxa level because we started attacking a low level base



because there were enough people to fit everything: raid, instances, battlegrounds, idleing, grinding, proffesions, AND DOING OEPN WORLD PVP.


here we do not even have enough players to get a grp for a 4 man flashpoint. most people are looking for a damage dealer for about 2hs and often just give up.


SWTOR failed technically!

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Open world while not perfect was the only fun part of this game for me. What killed it was the addition of the 3 kills per warzone toward the daily. Now people just stand around the PvP terminal in the station all day. That's not an option for us people with multiple 50's. It would take a minimum of 10 hours just to complete the daily doing it that way. Instead I'm now left on a nearly empty Ilum hoping there are at least some friendlies around and watching them disappear as soon as they get their crates done. If I could get a refund on my subscription I would be out of this game. There just isn't any fun left. Warzones are full of hacks, exploits, bugs and not fun in the least and I will not even go in one anymore. PvE gets old fast especially after you have done every class story line once.
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