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What I will do in same faction voidstars ... if they go live


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It is a roleplay issue.


She was the same way in Galaxies. I remember the "I am going to take my ball and go home" issues on Sunrunner with her.



Quit your same faction warzones. I doubt it will bother anyone else.


Sunrunner...now it all becomes clear lol.


/exits thread

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And I agree completely with Monoth, it's a great idea, and it seems like it would be an easy thing to do, considering all the expansive content they are adding.


I'd certainly welcome having a choice. But I still don't see how playing your own faction would create grudges in a group of mature adults.


I love when I get into a Civil War after a Repub v Repub Huttball, and me and another player go "I'm glad you're on MY team this time" at the same time.


The "simulation" theme of the same-faction warzones makes a lot more sense from an RP perspective too. It explains why people aren't dying, they're being pulled to a med center and sent back out into the 'fight'.


"Sergeant Johnson. When boarding an enemy capital ship, be sure not to draw so much attention to yourself. Allow the diversionary team to do their work first. Alright, next simulation! Let's try this again, people!"

Edited by Grubfist
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Haleigh, no offense. But this isn't SWG anymore. And it's not really right for you throw the "faction pride" card since you quit SWG and left Sunrunner is a sad PvP state for the Rebels till my guild and I picked everything up.
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It's a simulation get over it. Being an imp I somewhat enjoy crushing imps in huttball and later voidstar. In fact that's how we met a lot of our guildies. We stomp a team but one person stands out as good and we recruit them. The best part is that that method totally fits the sith code.
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I do, if I wanted to kill Republic toons i'd roll a Imp. This is why we need cross server warzones!!!


Or we can have same-faction warzones and cross-server warzones and have 2x the uptime of PvP queues.



Less RP, more PvP please.

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Haleigh, no offense. But this isn't SWG anymore. And it's not really right for you throw the "faction pride" card since you quit SWG and left Sunrunner is a sad PvP state for the Rebels till my guild and I picked everything up.


If me leaving caused a breakdown in PVP then I'd say I did something right when I was there.


I keep hearing this line "you leaving killed PVP", which is funny because I left after a three week period of no imps to be found ... anywhere. (except on the forums)


Nice to see someone got something going tho AMSKED, it's honestly the first I've heard about it.


But I make no apologies for being proud as my faction, it's not a "card", it's just team spirit sheesh. I wasn't at all proud pre 1.1. But when the Reps pulled together to fight against 5:1 odds and even the score we earned something to be proud of.


This thread is why RPing shouldn't exist. I'm honestly afraid of real life original poster.

I don't RP here, not that it is a bad thing but it doesn't really work in this game.


I find it funny all the people getting so worked up over the fact I'm proud of my faction lol.


"OMG you must be one of those ARR PEEERZ" or whatever.


So I gotta know.


Do you get really steamed when you hear someone is proud of the football team they watch from the couch?


I mean, Is Billy Bob an RPer when he looks over his stomach and yells "ROLL TIDE!" at the TV while yelling at his wife to bring him another beer and a bag of chips?


I actually compete in my favorite "sport". And I like my favorite team, nothing more to it than that :)

Edited by GoldSquadGirl
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If it means less Huttball, I don't care what they do. I played 80-90% Huttball yesterday out of around 20 matches.
This, I'll play anything as long as it's not Huttball.


Hell, I would be fine with mixed pubs-imps team. That would make the battlefield more interesting and allow those who are on an outnumbered faction to participate even though the faction doesnt have 6 players Q'ing.

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No, it's carebear to mix up the warzones and interrupt the rivalry we're building between the Reps and the Imps.


Carebears all over this thread saying "you get comms who cares" and I am saying, idc about comms.


I wanna kill the Imps, and I wanna get my fellow Reps to kill them, hate them, kill them again, whatever.


You can't get really intense PVP going by pitting you against your own faction like this.


Valid poiint there are 2 sides PvPing your own side doesnt fit, however this has never been a RvR game

some would argue that is not even a PvP game either


I agree with you fighting repsVreps or impVimps is a bad idea

they can call it training, simulation whatever

They don't want to merge low pop server cause it looks bad so they came up with this.

Only sub numbers and appearance of game health counts for bioware.

if they have to introduce Npc bots to Wz to keep servers alive I suspect they will.

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Republic vs. Imperial - You have to kill and be killed by Imps.

Republic vs. Republic - You have to kill and be killed by Reps.


There you go.



I'm here to kill Imps and build the Reps into a fighting force. We're not gonna get there farming each other or slaughtering each other either one.


Big whoop.


Granted, I pvp to kill imperial scum so they cry like babies, and maybe become motivated to leave their mothers basements, maybe make them smash their keyboard to pieces in frustration..




When imperial scum are lacking, any player with a red nameplate will suffice.

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I'll quit it, my guild will quit it, and I will be encouraging others on my server and in my faction to quit it.


EDIT: quit the warzone, not the game lol. Not sure why that was so confusing. :p


I know many players are driven by an unending need for more loot, and their own faction doesn't matter to them, fine.


But PoT5 Reps just fought back from being outnumbered over 5 to 1 on my server until we now have a very balanced server.


We did this by appealing to factional Pride, and getting Republic Players to stay in Ilum long after their dailies were done. And by getting Republic guilds to agree to not "kill farm", that's why it doesn't happen on PoT5.


We refused to bend over for imps to get our valor, and we're not going to steamroll fellow reps to get it either.


Now Huttball isn't really PVP to us, it's like soccer or whatever. Same faction competition there is OK.


Voidstar is PVP.


And with rated warzones going live, you will hurt your own faction if you compete against them in voidstar, and you win that warzone by killing the other side faster (unlike Huttball where CC's, passing, and sprints rule the game)


Don't make Voidstar same-faction, because no matter how you do, you're breaking it for us.



(Good changes in 1.2 overall btw.)


Sorrt TC, but im on the same server, and everybody i talk to, they dont have this issue lol, alot of us could care less.

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For what its worth, I am not a fan of same faction pvp I dont think it does anything to enhance faction community or rivalries cross faction.


Killing your own faction over and over is neither useful or fun. Especially with the anonimity of the internet, getting hate mail/chat from potential team mates is not good. (anyone played anything on xbox live? ) It just breads resentment from allies.


If two or more factions are clearly defined then you have base for competition, a reason for competition. I.E to fight a common enemy.



Edited by Kaesoron
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