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Need companion help


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I come to you because I'd like to know for those who have experienced it all about our companions. I'm having trouble deciding on which companion to use as dps whether it's Vette or Jaese.


I'm always grouped with a Sith Sorc who heals. But I would also like your input at 50 and doing dailies what companion do you tend to use soloing with?


Thanks all!

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They're both equally great at damage so the short answer would probably be whichever one you liked hanging around with more. Jaesa is getting a 30% passive armor boost in 1.2 so 'squishiness' shouldnt be a deciding factor anymore.


Another factor might be which companion your Sorcerer friend prefers using when you duo. If they use Andronikos, who's fairly similar to Vette, you might want Jaesa for variety.


If you find things slipping past you on occasion and hitting your friend, Vette might work better, since she'll hang back with the healer and likely draw aggro off of them. I find that factor is helpful when duoing with my wife.

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Thank You, CultassJack!


Yeah, I do feel like Jaese is a bit weak (dying pretty fast when she has aggro). I hope that amor coming in 1.2 will be helpful.


On the other hand my hubby uses Ashara so I will then use Vette, because like you said some baddy always ends up staying behind.


Thanks again Cultass! I needed to decide so I could gear the one up, I didn't want to decide on the wrong companion and later realize I spent all those commendations and cash on the companion I don't tend to be using at all (heh).

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Oh if he's running Ashara, i'd definately go for Vette. She's really good at getting the attention of things I miss in the heat of battle, and you'll have enough sabers in your party.


Only reason I can think to do otherwise would be if your crew skills were better suited for force users and wanted to save money on upgrades.

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Oh if he's running Ashara, i'd definately go for Vette. She's really good at getting the attention of things I miss in the heat of battle, and you'll have enough sabers in your party.


Only reason I can think to do otherwise would be if your crew skills were better suited for force users and wanted to save money on upgrades.


That. If, like me when I team up with someone permenantly on a server, you've splitted lets say cyber and artifice, Jaesa will be easier to gear up since research for sorc gear should be done already.


The other slight + of ranged, is they don't stand into AoE targeting you (from what you've said I suppose your are an immortal specced jug)

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Keep in mind, at least until 1.2 hits, that you can get an orange light belt off a social vendor for Jaesa, where you can't for Vette (yet). You'll also need to buy the extra orange weapon(s) for Vette, for some reason all Vette's quest reward weapons are un-moddable greens, where other pets get mod-able greens.

I use Jaesa all the time with my Mara, and rarely have a problem with her dieing during fights, unless she is solo on an elite. The only issue being that she will get hit by ae's targeting you, but that is usually as simple as moving the mob to avoid it.

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I come to you because I'd like to know for those who have experienced it all about our companions. I'm having trouble deciding on which companion to use as dps whether it's Vette or Jaese.


I'm always grouped with a Sith Sorc who heals. But I would also like your input at 50 and doing dailies what companion do you tend to use soloing with?


Thanks all!


I prefer Vette, as she's ranged and takes less damage, Jaesa is prone to AOE damage, where Vette is out of harm's way.

I've also found that Vette seems to have slightly higher dps than Jaesa.

Load her up with Cunning gear and don't look back, and if you need another healer.. you can always put Vette's gear on Quinn :D

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If you hadn't noticed, most the variable above involve personal decisions based on hear and playstyle. a.k.a either one is fine.


-Vette's gear is interchangeable with quinn for the most part...helps when you run into situations where you need the extra heals.


-jaesa wears force gear. if you are a synthweaver (or have one), this is a bonus as you can make most of her gear yourself. Jaesa decked out in purples at endgame is a pretty vicious DPS. And if your immortal spec you don't have to worry about her pulling aggro (great practice if you want to tank as well)


- vette is ranged. Jaes is melee. depending on the mob type you may choose one over the other. as an example...on heavy AoE mobs I'd pick vette as she avoids many AoE's by being out of melee range.


-Quinn is simply heals...pure and simple. turns a dps Jugg from a challenge to level and play into a unstoppable "juggernaut" literally.


-On that note: spec makes a big impact on your choices as well. DPS specs (vengance, rage) have much more downtime if they run vette/jaesa. But an immortal build works ebst with those two.


And thats aside from anyone you run with. optimally, you'll want a few companions geared to take advantage of pending the situation. like on my vengeance jugg I run quinn, but i switch his gear over to vette and run her if i pick up a healing player when im running heroics. so my priority is those two as they share gear. But Jaesa's gear is getting there. I am also leveling a second Jugg solely as immortal, and have been using vette 100% of the time. Starting to cycle Jaes in now that I have her on him.

Edited by Elyx
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