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1.2 Armormech Questions


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These are the 1.2 notes:


"Armormech crafters may now reverse engineer almost any modifiable outfit into an empty custom (orange) shell of the same name and appearance, which may now gain an augment slot when crafted with critical success."


What does this mean exactly?


Will we be able to take orange gear we got as quest rewards or whatever and RE them into a schematic? Then craft it over and over hoping for a crit?


Or crafted purples can now be RE-ed into orange schematics?


I've noticed that most of the best looking gear, imo, is not crafted. I'd like to make versions of it with augment slots in it. Will that be possible with 1.2?

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I've not been on the PTS but my understanding is that in 1.2:


Any purple armormech item can be RE'd for orange (i.e. appearance) item. Also, any orange item can be RE'd for it's schematic. The rate of RE chance has gone up, but is certainly not 100%.


When crafting an orange item there is a chance it can be critical, which will give the item an augment slot.


Don't forget that there are orange schematics for sale on the GTN.

Edited by Turino
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Interesting subject.


However can someone confirm that if we RE purple (Artifact) armor are going to get Orange Schematic?


Because I knew about Orange items RE to schematics. However didn't knew that.


Which makes worthwhile the huge amount of cash spent already to make Artifact of the level 33-40 armour. I have already all blues open for Defence Power type. Three more type of armours remain before I start trying for artifact level. :D

(33-40 trooper armor is the best looking imho).

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On current matter (as of 1.2)


I had my PTS threat about orange RE (but it was removed) (this is only about Oranges):


1) U still can't RE your QUEST REWARD (even Heroic daily ones)

2) As for now, you WILL not have a chance to get Battlemaster/champion/centurion/rakata (all sets before 1.2) armourings WITH set bonus into orange item (this means u can pull it out BUT the set bonus stays in the item shell u pulled your armouring from - only NEW tier 2 will have their set bonuses into armourings)

3) You will have your chance to research percentage indicated on each item before u RE it.

4) Most of new orange recipes comes from Missions (in our case UT)

5) Noone realy knows if we will be able to learn schematics that are drops of: boots, gloves, bracers and belts. (this question went without any informations from devs)

6) U CAN'T add augment slot to item made or found before 1.2. This means, AS for patch 1.2 u will ONLY be able to get augment on gear you had crafted and had CRIT success on.

7) Chance of researching and finding new schematic (ether trough mission, or RE IS suposed to be better, but for now it is bugged on PTS)

Edited by Nezyrworks
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Just to pop in:

1. You can't RE orange quest rewards to learn schematics. Developers have stated they don't want to encourage players to try and thus destroy these irreplaceable items. The schematics for these will, however, be obtainable through mission skills.

2. It seems very likely that when they say "moddable items" they don't mean custom items, but rather those purples that have mods.

3. I haven't heard/read anything official that even HINTED at being able to RE purple stuff (in general) to learn orange schematics. Only thing that came close was the ability to RE tier 2 purple moddable gear to learn the schematics.

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