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SWTOR Conflict Timeline Question


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About how long does the "war" depicted in SWTOR last? I ask this because I need something of a timeline when I plan out my Legacy.

A more specific question might be this...

Is there enough time for:

-one of my characters to adopt a kid at the end of their class story's 3 chapters

-That kid to grow to the age they'd have to be for Jedi/Sith training

-Said kid to complete their 3 chapters

Basically I need a time span of at least 20 years for the current Legacy "story" I've got in mind to work.

If not, I've got a very poutey walk back to the drawing board to make.

Edited by braininajar
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I believe that when you start as a level 1 character, it's 3,643 BBY (based on when certain characters you meet along the way die, according to their date of death on wookieepedia)


and when you reach 50, it's 3,641 BBY (again, based on wookieepedia for characters to kill in your upper 40's to 50)


So, in my opinion, it spans 2 years.

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I'm not TOO interested in placing the individual class stories in exact spots on the timeline, since I already know keeping those exact progressions of events will wreak havoc with any kind of continuity I try to create.

Mainly I need to know how long the conflict between this incarnation of the Republic and Empire lasts altogether, from the Treaty of Coruscant being broken to what I presume will be the endpoint with the defeat of the Empire/Emperor. I'm already filing the proverbial serial numbers off the characters I meet (ie: for my Trooper, Rakton becomes "a key Imperial general" for the purposes of the story). I don't want to have to do backflips to try and cram everyone in as well.

However, thank you to Temelechus for giving me a rough estimate for the amount of time the current campaigns roughly take. That helps me narrow down the amount of time I might need.

The big wedge I have to cram in is time enough for my Trooper's adopted child to grow to the age he'd be at the beginning of his Jedi storyline (late teens/early 20s). So, if canon says it only takes 2-5 years from the Treaty of Coruscant to the eventual endpoint of the conflict, it kinda mucks things up lol.


EDIT: Ah well...thanks Wookieepedia! Seems, according to the current timeline, the SWTOR-era Empire hangs around for at least a couple centuries, and since there's no death date/circumstances for Lord Vitiate/The Emperor, we can probably assume his death date is "whenever BioWare releases a raid where we kill him off". So I've got a decent block of time to work with lol. Thanks, and sorry if this little Ortolan wasted anyone's time!

Edited by braininajar
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