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Ahsoka Tano's fate - Surviving Order 66?


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I like Ahsoka, that said. She could have died in Order 66. She will live throughout the Clone Wars series,get posted to her own assignments,which is happening to her at the moment.


So she could die in 66 or after. In the time of the GCW Her bond with Anakin would be shattered and cut off. Vader would Kill her.


Fact is alot of awesome and loved Jedi met their fate in Order 66,and Ahsoka isnt anymore special then them. I think her fate would be up to EU books or something,the series wont kill her. Otherwise the sound of a thousands of young girls will cry out in angish and devestation,hell even I probably will.

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Looked around the internet about Ahsoka and found a few things. First of all in an interview at Comic-Con with the producer, Dave Filoni he said "I've done eight different endings for her. I'll be talking to George about it soon," so I guess at least one must include her death, and other things considered by you guys. So don't dismiss her death as not suiting the Clone Wars 'feel'.


I also found a speculation of that these 8 endings may be. The link is here but I'll give you a list:


Fate #1: Ahsoka Lives: Leaves Jedi Order before Order 66

Fate #2: Ahsoka Dies: Killed before Battle of Coruscant

Fate #3: Ahsoka Lives: Escapes Order 66

Fate #4: Ahsoka Dies: Darth Vader's Jedi Purge

Fate #5: Ahsoka Lives: Spared by Darth Vader

Fate #6: Ahsoka Dies: Anakin Kills Ahsoka

Fate #7: Ahsoka Lives: Anakin mindwipes Ahsoka

Fate #8: Ahsoka Dies: Darth Vader's Assault on the Jedi Temple


Fate 7 is an interesting one, don't think anyone's considered that.


EDIT: Forgot about this, Ahsoka's one of the photos indicating her death is being considered as a possible fate


Remember Outbound flight? She could always be lost on a mission. This way they can take here out of the picture without killing her AND leave her fate open to bring back at anytime as a more adult/mature and powerful jedi.

Regards to the link. Dont forget that they like to twist things. I see that picture with palpatine and the title "Who will Fall?" and I wonder if they mean Fall to the darks side.

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Regards to the link. Dont forget that they like to twist things. I see that picture with palpatine and the title "Who will Fall?" and I wonder if they mean Fall to the darks side.

Good shout, I've been rewatching the series recently. Just watched the Mortis trio, the one where they visit Son, Daughter and Father. The bit when she has a vision of her future self tells you a bit what her fate might be. She says that Anakin Skywalker was succumbing her to the Dark side and if she stayed at her masters side her future might never come to pass. Suppose this could mean she'll turn to the dark side or perhaps leave the order. But if any jedi do turn to the darkside (with Sidious become a more important figure) it will be her.

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Good shout, I've been rewatching the series recently. Just watched the Mortis trio, the one where they visit Son, Daughter and Father. The bit when she has a vision of her future self tells you a bit what her fate might be. She says that Anakin Skywalker was succumbing her to the Dark side and if she stayed at her masters side her future might never come to pass. Suppose this could mean she'll turn to the dark side or perhaps leave the order. But if any jedi do turn to the darkside (with Sidious become a more important figure) it will be her.


It would make sense because think about it.


1. Anakin already lost his mother, which put him further down the path to the darkside


2. He has always had trouble with his emotions, Palpatine pulling the strings along.


3. This would just be another string Palpatine would pull, turning Ahsoka to the darkside thus forcing Anakin to kill her which would send her even further towards the darkside.


4. Then you have the whole EP 3 and Padme thing.


Besides people complain already how Anakin's fall was instant(when it really wasn't), so why not just show another string Palpatine pulls?

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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My opinion is that Ahsoka's death would push Anakin too far.

Take season 4 for example, where Obi-Wan is presumed dead. Anakin goes on a mad rampage trying to avenge his "death", only stopping when he realizes the truth.

If Anakin were to lose Ahsoka, he would either (1) be much more mature after dealing with it, or (2) have already gone dark side by the time episode III comes around.

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I like to think she leaves the Jedi Order and goes away with Lux Bonteri. You can't kill her off. Children love the character. :D


Why should that stop her from being killed off? Not all shows/movies, need to have happy endings just to please the kids. But your probably right, due to CN being a bunch of pansys now probably won't allow characters to get killed off anymore and tell LA that they won't allow it.

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Why should that stop her from being killed off? Not all shows/movies, need to have happy endings just to please the kids. But your probably right, due to CN being a bunch of pansys now probably won't allow characters to get killed off anymore and tell LA that they won't allow it.


At the same time, you don't need to kill of a character just to make a show "dark" or "realistic" - that's a great way to alienate your fans, most of the time.

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Why should that stop her from being killed off? Not all shows/movies, need to have happy endings just to please the kids. But your probably right, due to CN being a bunch of pansys now probably won't allow characters to get killed off anymore and tell LA that they won't allow it.


Star Wars is a dark story. There's no hiding it. While the good guys win in the end, the bad guys take control of the galaxy. Good guys died left, right and center. CN should have thought about that before taking on TCW. Sometimes a beloved character dies and if CN decides that they won't allow it then they don't understand Star Wars.

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At the same time, you don't need to kill of a character just to make a show "dark" or "realistic" - that's a great way to alienate your fans, most of the time.


While true, but it also makes for a great story to tell and leave something behind that the character did. Something that they died fighting for.

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Star Wars is a dark story. There's no hiding it. While the good guys win in the end, the bad guys take control of the galaxy. Good guys died left, right and center. CN should have thought about that before taking on TCW. Sometimes a beloved character dies and if CN decides that they won't allow it then they don't understand Star Wars.


I think CN understands... http://www.galacticbinder.com/images/news/who-will-fall.jpg


It's just a matter of which good guy(s) at this point.

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