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Requesting PvP assistance


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Greetings Fellow Jedi,

I have a small issue I'm hoping some of you can help me resolve. I just lvl 50 today on my shadow and I love pvp'ing. Of course I'm behind the power curve a lot when it comes to the area of gear but I'm having more of a slight issue. Unfortunatly I didnt do a lot of pvp research as I lvl'd so my valor is only lvl 34, and of course champion gear requires lvl 50 valor. Now I dont quite have any yet, but the issue I'm having is I'm alittle behind in the gear department, to the point that most empire players can just shrug me off or ignroe me b/c the little amounts of dmg I do. Sadly I even have trouble trying to break thru a sorcs bubble lol.. But the question I'm asking is, is there any easily abtainable gear whether it be PvE or not that will help me in the survival/dmg department? I'm not familiar with end game really at all aside from the little bit my guildies have told me. So if you guys could point me in any direction it would be much appreciated. I thank you all for any assistance you can give me!




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Just do you pvp dailies. You can get them from a terminal located in combat section of the fleet. You get a bag for every daily done. Bags for weeklys. You use these bags to gain commendations which you use to get your gear. You will get your centurion set pretty fast.
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Unfortunatly I didnt do a lot of pvp research as I lvl'd so my valor is only lvl 34, and of course champion gear requires lvl 50 valor.


This is incorrect. Champion gear has no valor requirement so don't worry about that. The only thing that has a valor requirement is battlemaster gear (60) but even that is removed in 1.2.



As to specific gearing advice, as a fresh 50 just get stuck in to both pve and pvp dailies. Do the pve dailies every day (Ilum + Belsavis) and in 6 days you'll have full purple mods, enhancements and armouring as well as enough commendations to buy a rakata earpiece or implant. This should take you to 14-15k health and maybe 1200 willpower, so reasonable stats.


Then, just get stuck in to pvp dailies/weeklies. I would suggest going to Ilum to collect armaments from the center. Its boring as hell, but since 1.1.5 its empty most of the day so you can collect your 30/150 armaments very quickly. You'll have your quests done very quickly and be geared in centurion gear before long.

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I appreciate the help! I just solo'd Illum myself probably as you wrote that haha, and I read the quest again and was on my way back to do the armaments just as I was reading your post. It helped a lot, i knocked out my daily and the vast majority of my weekly so far. I looked it up on ToRhead and someone commented that I could destroy the walkers/cannons to count towards it too but that doesnt seem to be the case. I would have finished my weekly too, but yay for stupid Sith and having to 2v1 me out of there :(. But I appreciate the help.
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As others have stated, keep working on your PvP dailies and weekly quests to get comms/gear.


I would also suggest putting yourself in tough solo PvE situations to help you learn/adapt a little better for PvP. i.e take on 3/4 mobs at once and see how you would survive it, damage/ cc etc

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I tend to do alright in situations like this, and I move around a lot. I can see it throws more ppl off in PvP in this b/c there's alot of back peddling and keyboard turning compared to what I'm used to in WoW. The only issue I have is once I'm engaged I'm not really sure what my most helpful cc is. I know I can ghost and cc, but I know i can use force lift but it kinda sucks. If you guys have any additional tips I more then welcome them. Thanks again for all the help!
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I tend to do alright in situations like this, and I move around a lot. I can see it throws more ppl off in PvP in this b/c there's alot of back peddling and keyboard turning compared to what I'm used to in WoW. The only issue I have is once I'm engaged I'm not really sure what my most helpful cc is. I know I can ghost and cc, but I know i can use force lift but it kinda sucks. If you guys have any additional tips I more then welcome them. Thanks again for all the help!


What spec are you?


If you are tank spec, pop up your kinectic wards, breach, slow time, rupt the sorcs or mercs with Spinning Kick etc, protect your healers, hold a huttball, time your CDs and score them, sneak tru bridges to plant bombs etc.


If you are an Infi, rupt the healers or AOE spammers using Mind Snap, Force Stun, Low Slash, Force Wave etc. Give a last blow to dying opponents etc.


For balanced, I would say watch the vids on the tubes coz there are many ways to play this spec.

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I'm Inf and I've gotten some gear and its helping alot, I dont die as easy and I'm putting the hurt back on people again. I can only imagin what I could do with champ/BM gear @.@ the burst is fun and I love it. The only issue I have is sorcs... my server is absolutly flooded with them and I just cant seem to do anything.... If I manage to get the bubble down its nothing but lightning and everything they do seems to stun me or root me. And its rather annoying getting them constantly down to like 10% and being out of force, or they get off some big instant heal that puts them to like 40%... makes me sad face indeed.
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I'm Inf and I've gotten some gear and its helping alot, I dont die as easy and I'm putting the hurt back on people again. I can only imagin what I could do with champ/BM gear @.@ the burst is fun and I love it. The only issue I have is sorcs... my server is absolutly flooded with them and I just cant seem to do anything.... If I manage to get the bubble down its nothing but lightning and everything they do seems to stun me or root me. And its rather annoying getting them constantly down to like 10% and being out of force, or they get off some big instant heal that puts them to like 40%... makes me sad face indeed.


sorc / sage will have the 1.2 patch the deal with so there will not be as much lighting as before.


glad im not the only Inf shadow out there remeber to hit and run and youll do fine

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I love Inf, I find the play style fun and despite being rather squishy I have some rather good sustain or survivablity at times, and I can be pretty nasty if left alone. Sadly the imps on my server run premades and are roughly 5/8 of the other team and are mostly BM geared... not to mention about 5-6 of the imps are sorcs so you can kinda guess how that goes. But I do have another question about stats. I have looked at Shina's vids and such and they are amazing a good guiding stone for me. But given we are a burst class, would a crit/surge build be rather good for us? Big hard hitting numbers to help drop ppl faster or is that was just so unrealiable? Thanks again!
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I love Inf, I find the play style fun and despite being rather squishy I have some rather good sustain or survivablity at times, and I can be pretty nasty if left alone.


Hmm.. If you do PvE dailies (HMs), you`ll get some columi gear thats a far better in stats than Centurion gear..

Also find time to do dailies on Belsavis/Ilum to get decent Armor mods..


And i`m no specialist in Inf tree, but as i know there is not a lot of skills in Inf tree that require Shadow Stance.. You can do PvP in Combat stance - that give you additional survivability.. A lot of it actually..

Edited by Missandei
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Possibly but I've done some PvE with friends and sort of tanked easy heroics as Inf spec in combat stance with a shield and I tell you.... I absolutly cry after my first project. I lose Circling Shadows buff, so my project takes sooo much of my force, and I also lose the force regen buff just for being in shadow stance(Profundity I believe it is). So yea.. you could maybe hurt some in combat stance or possibly survive alittle longer, but after like 2 attacks your force starved and blackout can only help so much. I like the idea but we dont gain any real benifits to me being in combat stance. We dont have the talents that gen us more force when hit, shield, parry, dodge, whatever in that stance like kc. Personally I'd rather put as much hurt on someone if i'm going to die rather then burn all my force to change to combat, allow my shield to go off to not help stop much incoming dmg, and to hit like a wet noodle lol. But thats just my 2 cents =P
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Hmm.. If you do PvE dailies (HMs), you`ll get some columi gear thats a far better in stats than Centurion gear..

Also find time to do dailies on Belsavis/Ilum to get decent Armor mods..


And i`m no specialist in Inf tree, but as i know there is not a lot of skills in Inf tree that require Shadow Stance.. You can do PvP in Combat stance - that give you additional survivability.. A lot of it actually..


Don't do this unless you find yourself running the ball in huttball, otherwise stay in ST the whole time. The reason for this is force breach is your biggest hitting attack and in Combat Technique its a debuff. FB when in ST, 5 stacks of ES, with relic, FP, and BR will hit upwards of 4-5k...

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In 1.2, which is due in a few weeks (allegedly...), you can, with credits alone, buy a starter set that is comparable in value for PVP to the Champion set (but a lot less good for PVE). In the mean time, save up any warzone commendations (maximum for now is 1k). Also keep doing the Belsavis and Ilum dailies to save up the cash, and get the commendations for a rakata ear piece or implants.
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