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How to World PvP


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I see alot of people wanting/wishing for world PvP. Saying, OMG BW fix world pvp, do this do that...


Here is a new idea, organize an event yourself! Coordinate with the oposite faction, or go camp them until their guild gets off there ***. Guild up, group up and go terrorize the other faction.


Remember all the old great MMO's? SWG, there wasn't a REWARD for PVP, people did it because it was fun. Go make some world pvp, and stop ************ for BW to do it for you. On fatman we have world pvp events quite often, and its fun! A nice break between warzoning.

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Yeah but it was easier on SWG since it had a real WORLD


There was player city to occupy, there was capital to "invade", there was pve spot to camp, there was city warn (at least for a lil' bit haha), etc


There is no "hot spot" in SWTOR like bestine, theed, ancorhead


All we have there is ilum and it's a not very well thought out "hot spot", very prone to not encounter anyone


But I agree with your sentiment OP, doing PvP should be a matter of players mentality


However with all these new "young" players you can't see much of that anymore, there is no "pvp pride" like there was years ago in old school mmo

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You could also play with rocks and imagine that they are imperial/republic starships shooting at each other. Could be fun, but wouldn't it be better if they actually looked and acted like starships?


Apply the same concept to real pvp and imagined no reward no objective pvp and you will understand why many people will disagree with your post.

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When vendors are sitting safely behind the insta-gib line all that would do is make it less convenient to buy things.


PvP needs rules. Can't enforce those rules unless there's a referee that everyone listens to or it's hardcoded into game mechanics. I'm not saying it's impossible to have fun with made up unenforceable rules, what I mean is it's more fun and better organized when there are objectives, rewards, and rules.

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Don't get me wrong, sure it could be better.


I for one think they should blow up these fleets and put ground bases...


But that isn't the case, atleast not now, I'm just sugesting to work with what we do have. I would love to see more people put together there own content.


keep posting your ideas.

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When vendors are sitting safely behind the insta-gib line all that would do is make it less convenient to buy things.


PvP needs rules. Can't enforce those rules unless there's a referee that everyone listens to or it's hardcoded into game mechanics. I'm not saying it's impossible to have fun with made up unenforceable rules, what I mean is it's more fun and better organized when there are objectives, rewards, and rules.


PvP with rules, referees, and objectives is not world PvP. Its RvR.


RvR and World PvP are two completely different things.

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Here is how to World PvP.


1. Get a group together.

2. Find some enemy lowbies and kill them and camp their corpses.

3. They call high level friends and guild members or get on their high level characters.

4. They fight back

5. World PvP ensues.


Ganking, spawn camping, and unfair, unbalanced fights is what World PvP is all about. If you don't like those things then you don't like World PvP and what you should really be asking for is some kind of RvR implementation.

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Here is how to World PvP.


1. Get a group together.

2. Find some enemy lowbies and kill them and camp their corpses.

3. They call high level friends and guild members or get on their high level characters.

4. They fight back

5. World PvP ensues.


Ganking, spawn camping, and unfair, unbalanced fights is what World PvP is all about. If you don't like those things then you don't like World PvP and what you should really be asking for is some kind of RvR implementation.


^ Winner


That is exactly what world pvp is to me! I wish there were more people that understood this. Back in the day, if someone was camping your boys, EVERYONE came to help. These days, people see it as, well there is no reward, why should I go help this guy thats getting camped. I guess the mentality of the community needs to somehow change. Maybe I'm just old school, but if one of my guildies are getting camped, im omw!

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