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Sith Warrior - What is Lacking


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After finishing the Sith Warrior story I decided I would like to make a run down of what I felt was missing. I loved the story as a whole but if it were a book there are a few major things it is missing and as a game there are a few shortcomings.




1-15 : Not a whole lot missing here, I feel that it draws the player in and makes them invested with the story. It also sets the stage for future events and story archs but I felt the game assumed you already knew what it meant to be a Sith and a member of the Empire. This is a failing for those that are clueless to the lore and need a better background setting.


-What it Needs-

Better Background Information

Slower Level Progression


16-30 : The side quests are plentiful and have real purposeful goals that make you feel you have achieved something other than killing X amount of target enemies. The story was enjoyable and was building to a point that seemed important and larger than your character. My main complaint at this stage with the story was that there seemed to be no real change on the environments around me even though these incredible deeds and things had been done. No one responds to you differently, none of the scenery is changed etc.


-What it Needs-

Layered Environments Allowing Different POVs

Generic NPCs Respond Differently After You Beat Planet Story


31-40 : After the Jaesa plot is where the story lost me, it becomes vague and feels rushed. The writing seems to rely on many of the same standardized responses and more and more frequently the missions are becoming collect X of this kill X of that and less of the other types such as those that achieve a useful goal by using a mission item in an area or rescue someone from enemy territory after recovering a keycard etc. Also I went from feeling like an epic member of the Empire to just some soldier Sith running around supporting everyone elses interests and not my own, ever.


-What it Needs-

Better Quest Diversity

Greater Sense Of Power & Influence


41-50 : I enjoyed the breaking of Baras' power base and the meeting of new allies but I disliked the total disregarding of my crew for most of the game and almost completely at this point. Correllia is almost entirely kill X of this after Kill X of that disguised as a war (where no one but you is fighting, which after seeing big battles on Alderaan is pretty lame...) and the dark chick spirit thing Baras was hiding was like the ending to a bad Goosebumps book. I would have been much more satisfied to find some Dark Artifact and destroy it or some Tech device but some spirit chick who was the scorned lover of the emperor... just lame. Finally the ending was terribly anti-climactic. I storm in on the most important Sith in the galaxy, challenge their most influential member, kill him and declare myself the Emperor's Wrath, and they just bow and send me on my way. No one officially tells me Im a Darth, no one congratulates me, no one recognizes that I succeeded against all odds and absolutely no one treats me slightly different. There is no real feeling of success, just like I achieved a step in the last quest but its not over yet. All in all it left me feeling confused and looking for where I went to "finish" my story then I realized it was over.


-What it Needs-

An Actual End Cinematic/Conversation

Redesign Of Source Of Baras Power Plotline


Just some thoughts, I am the Head of Research and Development for a marketing corporation so I tend to get overly analytical. I plan on playing every class through and writing one of these about each one. Hope someone finds it worth reading.


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You make very good points, the only one I disagree with completely was 1-16, you said you wanted slower leveling. Dear God, no. It eventually comes to a borderline agonizing stop in later levels.


I read all of what you said/what you thought it needed and I want you to consider this...


Every single MMORPG HAS to have a Kill X then Kill X style questline. It's the easiest way for people to level their character on a planet. EXP from the quest itself and killing those creatures/bonus mission. You will have quests that are different, for sure, BW made sure of that, but the base of quests will, and always will be, for MMO's. Kill X to kill X.


I too, wish to have NPC's recognize what my character did for the planet, but that could possibly be implemented later into the game.


I also understand some of your actual class quests will be Kill X, but I try to look past the "objective" and move to get into the dialogue of it all.


So, you have good points...But the Kill X kill X will never go away, regardless of what MMO.

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After finishing the Sith Warrior story I decided I would like to make a run down of what I felt was missing. I loved the story as a whole but if it were a book there are a few major things it is missing and as a game there are a few shortcomings.




1-15 : Not a whole lot missing here, I feel that it draws the player in and makes them invested with the story. It also sets the stage for future events and story archs but I felt the game assumed you already knew what it meant to be a Sith and a member of the Empire. This is a failing for those that are clueless to the lore and need a better background setting.


-What it Needs-

Better Background Information

Slower Level Progression


16-30 : The side quests are plentiful and have real purposeful goals that make you feel you have achieved something other than killing X amount of target enemies. The story was enjoyable and was building to a point that seemed important and larger than your character. My main complaint at this stage with the story was that there seemed to be no real change on the environments around me even though these incredible deeds and things had been done. No one responds to you differently, none of the scenery is changed etc.


-What it Needs-

Layered Environments Allowing Different POVs

Generic NPCs Respond Differently After You Beat Planet Story


31-40 : After the Jaesa plot is where the story lost me, it becomes vague and feels rushed. The writing seems to rely on many of the same standardized responses and more and more frequently the missions are becoming collect X of this kill X of that and less of the other types such as those that achieve a useful goal by using a mission item in an area or rescue someone from enemy territory after recovering a keycard etc. Also I went from feeling like an epic member of the Empire to just some soldier Sith running around supporting everyone elses interests and not my own, ever.


-What it Needs-

Better Quest Diversity

Greater Sense Of Power & Influence


41-50 : I enjoyed the breaking of Baras' power base and the meeting of new allies but I disliked the total disregarding of my crew for most of the game and almost completely at this point. Correllia is almost entirely kill X of this after Kill X of that disguised as a war (where no one but you is fighting, which after seeing big battles on Alderaan is pretty lame...) and the dark chick spirit thing Baras was hiding was like the ending to a bad Goosebumps book. I would have been much more satisfied to find some Dark Artifact and destroy it or some Tech device but some spirit chick who was the scorned lover of the emperor... just lame. Finally the ending was terribly anti-climactic. I storm in on the most important Sith in the galaxy, challenge their most influential member, kill him and declare myself the Emperor's Wrath, and they just bow and send me on my way. No one officially tells me Im a Darth, no one congratulates me, no one recognizes that I succeeded against all odds and absolutely no one treats me slightly different. There is no real feeling of success, just like I achieved a step in the last quest but its not over yet. All in all it left me feeling confused and looking for where I went to "finish" my story then I realized it was over.


-What it Needs-

An Actual End Cinematic/Conversation

Redesign Of Source Of Baras Power Plotline


Just some thoughts, I am the Head of Research and Development for a marketing corporation so I tend to get overly analytical. I plan on playing every class through and writing one of these about each one. Hope someone finds it worth reading.


The story isn't over. I hope you know what part of your post I am referring to.


In regards to changes in the environment based on your actions - presumably, you are at the very least referring to Balmorra and Corellia. Once you play a character on both sides, you might not feel the same as you do right now, because then you will have the full story (so far), instead of just half of it. I too, would have liked to see some phasing used, but I'll take ease of grouping over minor cosmetic world changes any day.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Been a while since I came back to this thread, i apologize been ranting about 1.2 lol


In response:


I totally agree that Kill X will not go away but I feel that the further I go into the game the more those quests there are and the less story arch ones there are, notice how that little quest terminal starts getting used more and more after Nar Shaddaa? I just want them to rely on it less, it should be the filler stuff that is there in case u dont do Heroics or other quests not be the mainstay imo.


As for the story OF COURSE I KNOW it wont end here, but that didn't stop the STAR WARS MOVIES themselves from leaving you with great climaxes that left you drooling for more. This just left me feeling like attaining the things I did were not worth much to the universe at large. The thing with planets showing changes based on your actions, WoW did this quite easily. when you go into a zone the npcs and the area has a different skin over them so it actually looks different for you than other players but the basic terrain and building shape is still unchanged. This should be implemented, Im now working on an Operative and a Consular and will make the same posts for them as I max them but so far Operative is making me feel like James Bond and Im quite happy with it, Consular is kinda dry.

Edited by Lunnicus
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