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Ok, here we go. I have a major question since I've been thinking about how Vitiate can jump between bodies, and how Palpatine could do the same.


Is it possible that Palpatine was an incarnation of Vitiate?


Let's look at the evidence:


1. The Knight did, in effect, fail at the end of the story arc. He kills an Emperor's Voice, but not the Emperor himself. The Voice tells the SW this in the Warrior arc.


2. Palpatine also had the ability to jump between bodies, as evidenced in Dark Empire, Dark Empire II, and Empire's End.


3. The final fate of the Sith Emperor is as of now unknown. Could Vitiate somehow survive down through the millenia, jumping from body to body, until he jumps into a baby Palpatine? And having learned all he did, knowing everything to do and when to do it, could he not put together the master plan to not conquer the Republic, but replace it?


4. Now, as to eating planets.... Vitiate had to do it using a long drawn out ritual, and a trigger on the planet itself. From all accounts, Palpatine could also consume a planet, but without the need for the ritual. Could Vitiate have refined his process for the consumation of all life on a planet?


If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. But deductive reasoning is on my side, here. Thinking outside the box, if you will. I mean, this IS Star Wars. lol

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1. i got a knight to 50 and i fought him and i could have sworn i killed him


2. palpatine needed fresh clones with dark side potential. i think they were clones of himself


3. vitiate seemed like all he knew how to do was build up a huge army over hundreds of years and then fight a huge battle and lose. palpatine seems way smarter.

swtor: darth plagueis book explains how they were not palpatines plans but plans that were already made by the few sith remaining since the rule of 2 was made and passed on to palpatine by plagueis



4. possibly

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Their MOs are completely different as Vitiate has no interest in ruling the galaxy and instead wants immortality so he can just live an infinite number of lives in other galaxies. If Vitiate were to ever accomplish what Palpatine did then the entire Star Wars galaxy would be dead shortly afterwards as he would then consume all of it like he is trying to do in the game.


Also I believe that Palpatine's backstory has been flushed out fairly well, so there is no real room for Palpatine to be a spirit that is older than dirt. Besides Palpatine doesn't really exhibit any of Vitate's other traits such as corrupting pretty much everyone who is in the same room as him to being his dark side followers. I think Palpatine did something like this once, but Vitiate pretty much does this to everyone he meets.



Quick side note, the Hand telss the Sith Warrior not the Voice as the Voice is the one that was killed. And also the SWTOR storyline is far from over, it will be expanded in the future and Vitiate's final fate will surely be addressed at some point.

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1. i got a knight to 50 and i fought him and i could have sworn i killed him


2. palpatine needed fresh clones with dark side potential. i think they were clones of himself


3. vitiate seemed like all he knew how to do was build up a huge army over hundreds of years and then fight a huge battle and lose. palpatine seems way smarter.

swtor: darth plagueis book explains how they were not palpatines plans but plans that were already made by the few sith remaining since the rule of 2 was made and passed on to palpatine by plagueis



4. possibly


This is a common a mistake made by many players. You do not kill the emperor, because quite frankly it isn't possible. He's an essence, you may have killed his body but he just moves to another. You can wound or kill his essence maybe, but that requires some serious force power and rituals.

Edited by spectreclees
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2. palpatine needed fresh clones with dark side potential. i think they were clones of himself


In Empire's End, Palpatine was going to jump into the body of baby Anakin Solo. He was stopped by Empatojayos Brand, who intercepted his spirit and trapped him. The part where Brand hands baby Anakin to Leia is, tbh, the only time Star Wars has brought a tear to my eye. An extremely powerful moment.


Also, he didn't need the clones. They were just a faster method, and flawed. If he was indeed Vitiate, he could have been trying to refine the process instead of raising all the "Emperor's Children" to be his vessels. Maybe decided that route was too much work?

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