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Turrets and other ship things


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I am at a loss for what a turret or whatever the other things on the space mission ships look like to shoot them.


I havent found any pics to confirm what i should be hitting.


One 'thing' is in the middle of a ship, i think.. i hit it but nothing happened. Ive been doing the fonder mission forever and never get more than 16/20 turrets.. or i should say always get 16/24 turrets.


Does anyone have some pics then can post and pointers to the turrets?



Edited by Awnay
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Ok thanks... so they are all over the ships...and the ones in the back are the engines...


Or the shield generators. They take two (or more for larger ships) missiles to pop. I don't think I've ever blown one up with blaster fire alone, except for the ones in "Makem Te Assault" that are stated objectives, and they're "damaged" I believe.

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My bad, i missed those, and thank you too! .... Oh, i see, yes, i did research and watch vids hoping some would explain the diff between what circles were what.


I just shoot everything i see.... and upgrade when i can. Its just odd that every time i do this mission i get the same 16/20 of turrets.. I usually do it 3 or 4 times each day/login for the marks. Which i suppose if i did complete the turrets too, than i couldnt do it 3/4 times a day. :)

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Ok, its bugged. I did this first one 19 times (yesterday and today). And on the last ship even though I see the 'circles' smoke, etc, not one is a turret! Not one.


I even went through and just hit one to start the counter then waited to hit that last ship. Same thing. Not one counted.


I always get 16/20, although i did get a 17/20 twice. Doesnt matter if I hilight and hit, or just hit. Also, there is some problem in the connection as the music gets bugged a little here and there.


This mission is too easy to not be able to get 20/20 turrets.. :confused:



Edit: I just checked some other apps and the sound is fine, so I dont understand why its stuttering in swtor. Its not my side.


I dont understand, are the planet flights and space missions being streamed? instead of being client side? The sound is crackly in the planet flight animations also. I dont know how to account for that except on the server side?

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