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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I'm good at PvP but I suck at Huttball


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Our server has Epic Hutball where (at least the 50 crowd) plays well, we have few cheaters exploiters (I think we reported all of them in mass; haven't seen them in a while).


The games are epic. <3 Huttball on my server.


It's gotten so GOOD lately, that I gg the other team in general regardless of win lose and they gg back.. Crazy right... I know... Old Skool Sportsmanship and FUN!!!



Edited by VoidJustice
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there are no useless classes in huttball, only useless players.


I disagree... it's obvious Sorcs/Sage classes have a huge advantage in Huttball, with their force speed which allows them to run threw the fire pits taking ZERO damage and the ability to Pull a friendly player across the screen to score is HUGE and pretty much impossible to defend against...


Where as a gunslinger/sniper you have to be stationary in order to use any decent skills which is tough when the Sorc/Sage is sprinting away from you.... not to mention all the LOS issues in Huttball.... So yeah Sniper/Gunslingers are pretty much useless in Huttball due ot our lack of diversity in skills

Edited by Monoth
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