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Warning: Token based Vendors - Be careful


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Token Vendors in this game (unlike WoW) do not allow you to trade back an item if you mistakenly purchase the wrong one. So read every single item in the list VERY CAREFULLY before clicking anything.


Given that there are no class restrictions on purchasing any item and this is even further confused by them being sorted alphabetically instead of by function or class, please don't be stupid like me and waste 14 Dormund Kaas commendation badges on a lightsaber with Wilpower for a Juggernaut.


I hope BW improves the vendor layout / item list sorting and possibly add some filters or confirmations. A WoW like 60 minute window to trade back a token item would be a great idea on cutting down the number of tickets that will eventually wind up in their CS queue due to this poor design.

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Token Vendors in this game (unlike WoW) do not allow you to trade back an item if you mistakenly purchase the wrong one. So read every single item in the list VERY CAREFULLY before clicking anything.


Given that there are no class restrictions on purchasing any item and this is even further confused by them being sorted alphabetically instead of by function or class, please don't be stupid like me and waste 14 Dormund Kaas commendation badges on a lightsaber with Wilpower for a Juggernaut.


I hope BW improves the vendor layout / item list sorting and possibly add some filters or confirmations. A WoW like 60 minute window to trade back a token item would be a great idea on cutting down the number of tickets that will eventually wind up in their CS queue due to this poor design.


Honestly, it's not hard to get more tokens, but seriously, my main reason is that

1.) You can sell it for gold (to the best of my knowledge)

2.) People shouldn't have their hands held for them. Making mistakes and learning from them are always better than making mistakes and griping about your own stupidity to CS who have enough legitimate problems to deal with.

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Honestly, it's not hard to get more tokens, but seriously, my main reason is that

1.) You can sell it for gold (to the best of my knowledge)

2.) People shouldn't have their hands held for them. Making mistakes and learning from them are always better than making mistakes and griping about your own stupidity to CS who have enough legitimate problems to deal with.


buyers remorse FTL! :p

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Honestly, it's not hard to get more tokens, but seriously, my main reason is that

1.) You can sell it for gold (to the best of my knowledge)

2.) People shouldn't have their hands held for them. Making mistakes and learning from them are always better than making mistakes and griping about your own stupidity to CS who have enough legitimate problems to deal with.


I'm not absolving myself of my own stupidity =)


Just pointing out that given that the layout of items is poorly implemented (alphabetical sorting is bad IMO anyway) I hope I can save a few from following from the same mistake...and in turn saving CS from dealing with this any more than they have to.


I DO think blizzard got it right with the 60 minute timer. It was a win win. People are always going to make mistakes and misclicks. If they can code something like this in a future build I yhink both the player base and their internal resources both gain from it.


Yes this is some dopey L14 lightsaber that I'll use for the next 2 days at most, but what if this were a L50 epic that took 100's of PVP matches to attain...just saying. Wouldnt want to have to tell that customer "sucks to be you" =)

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People shouldn't have their hands held for them. Making mistakes and learning from them are always better than making mistakes and griping about your own stupidity to CS who have enough legitimate problems to deal with.


Are you new to this planet?


In a MMO, it is much better for a company to have filters and safe guards then to deal with stupid customer problems that can be fixed quite simply.


Frankly, I think the company should not have released the game without some simple, user friendly tools that should be in EVERY MMO.

Edited by Frakthefriendly
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This is not WOW, learn to play your class. It's just a game, big deal if you mess up, its part of the adventure. You might be better off waiting a few months to play, when gear guides and such are out, that way you will know just what to buy at what level, no mistakes.



Have fun and enjoy the adventure.

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Are you new to this planet?


In a MMO, it is much better for a company to have filters and safe guards then to deal with stupid customer problems that can be fixed quite simply.


Frankly, I think the company should not have released the game without some simple, user friendly tools that should be in EVERY MMO.


No, I've been playing mmo's for the past 4 years and video games for the past 24 years.




Can I be any more clear?


Cater to the stupid people and they get stupider, because they don't try to think: 'Hey, I don't have to put any effort thinking about this cause if I whine and complain enough I'll get my way and don't need to change how I do things.


Seriously it's pathetic. I always double check and triple check to make sure that what I'm buying is the right one, and if I screw up, key point is I screwed up, not the company.

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No, I've been playing mmo's for the past 4 years and video games for the past 24 years.




Can I be any more clear?


You are not unclear. You are ignorant of the needs of players and the company's best solution.


Cater to the stupid people and they get stupider,


I love irony.


because they don't try to think: 'Hey, I don't have to put any effort thinking about this cause if I whine and complain enough I'll get my way and don't need to change how I do things.


Yes, not fixing the way the sales window works will make people smarter. I see you have a clear grasp of how things really work. :rolleyes:


Seriously it's pathetic. I always double check and triple check to make sure that what I'm buying is the right one, and if I screw up, key point is I screwed up, not the company.


It's good to assign blame. It makes people feel better. :D

Edited by Frakthefriendly
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There were only about 5,000 posts in beta about this problem.


There are lot of ways to buy something you can't use or didn't intend to buy...



  • Item requirements are misrepresented in tooltip (it has happened).
  • Lag. (did I buy it? ... wait... wait... OK I guess not *click* oh now I have two.)
  • Trying to preview.
  • Derped and made a mistake.



So yes I'm 100% behind both a confirmation dialogue and a refund option.

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The biggest reason to have a filter system is to stop people from taking up GMs time, because if I mistakenly buy an item thats exactly the same as another one except for a set bonus(which Ive done on my Elemental/Resto Shaman) Ill be bothering a GM about it.


Refunds are on a time limit, and once the items modified in any way its non-refundable, and you need to have the item in your inventory to trade it back. I really cant see how its exploitable or how it would prevent you from buying the correct item in any way.

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