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SWTOR Vs WoW: Blizzard gets it


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Honestly, WoW was and has been the best overall MMO for a long time. I left before TBC and came back at cataclysm (which actually made the old world leveling decent in some zones) and enjoyed it both times. The main reason I stopped playing both times is the PvP is terrible and the class and play style that I liked (hybrid ele or enh + resto shaman) no longer exists and what is left of the class is mediocre at best in PvP.


The PvE is fun but gets far too grindy for my tastes.


WoW is still a good game.


I personally think the SWTOR is a better game with better class design and fun leveling.



The stuff that SWTOR is missing can be added later, what's important is that the classes IMO are a lot of fun to play and there is an excellent foundation. WoW use to be like that but Cata has everyone dumbed down to 5 hotkeys it seems.



A foundation is a good way of putting it; SWTOR has great stuff to build upon, with the added Legacy system it's only getting better. I hope 1.2 really delivers so that I will keep playing for a long time to come.

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The funny part of this post is that everything you said WoW has is in ToR, just done better if you bothered to pay attention.


It's done differently. Not better. Stop saying "better" because it's subjective.


For me, storytelling is "worse" in TOR because it breaks immersion, leaves no room for imagination, and slows the gameplay down. And I'd go so far as to say that the tales themselves aren't as epic. The Lich King vs. Darth Malgus? Not even close.

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Once you hit 50, and engage in PVE content or PVP your companion can no longer accompany you. These aspects are traditionally what is focused on at max level. They can still assist you crafting and such, however I am let down by they focus on companions all the way up to 50 and the let down of not being able to utilize them.


I can see where your coming from with the tradition part but that only effects a portion of the actual playerbase, they can be used within flashpoints even at top lvl, they can be used in the open world still and as i previously stated they are your crafters and gatherers and are also heavily tied into legacy. To which they are also still usable when doing your dailys.

Edited by Shingara
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Once you hit 50, and engage in PVE content or PVP your companion can no longer accompany you. These aspects are traditionally what is focused on at max level. They can still assist you crafting and such, however I am let down by they focus on companions all the way up to 50 and the let down of not being able to utilize them.


It would be cool to have a companion accompanied FP/OPs/WZ introduced in the future. I can't argue that. Who knows, maybe one day.

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And who's fault is that? The players. There was a all kinds of stories that tied zones together, recurring NPCs, etc. If you bothered to pay attention.


This is a good point, but because it was so easy to avoid story content in Wow. Yes their are stories in the game, but the devs really never paid to much attention to bring them forward, it always required some digging on the players part. Wows focus quickly became content as fast as possible, gear focus and min maxing encounters. Story fell by the way side

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So what about crafting and gathering, companion quests and companion affection gaining ?


That's end game content? You're upping your companion affection for what reason again? You're gathering by staying on your ship or the cantina?


Got it.

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And who's fault is that? The players. There was a all kinds of stories that tied zones together, recurring NPCs, etc. If you bothered to pay attention.




TOR lacks immersion completely. How can you be immersed when you're constantly jarred from cut scene (pause mode) to battle? The whole experience gets entirely in the way of immersion.


Now you are just being silly.

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That's end game content? You're upping your companion affection for what reason again? You're gathering by staying on your ship or the cantina?


Got it.


sorry but what, are you somehow stating that you can only gather and craft within a hub, this is the case in other games but not this one. And your grinding the affection of your companions to make them better crafters and gatherers.

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I can see where your coming from with the tradition part but that only effects a portion of the actual playerbase, they can be used within flashpoints even at top lvl, they can be used in the open world still and as i previously stated they are your crafters and gatherers and are also heavily tied into legacy. To which they are also still usable when doing your dailys.


The game really dons't have alot going on for it atm beside PVE and PVP, and to boot most people say they hate Ilum world pvp. I understand that you CAN bring your companion out and fiddle with it even at max level. But doing the things that the game focuses on they are not a part of. Exception of crafting

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This is a good point, but because it was so easy to avoid story content in Wow. Yes their are stories in the game, but the devs really never paid to much attention to bring them forward, it always required some digging on the players part. Wows focus quickly became content as fast as possible, gear focus and min maxing encounters. Story fell by the way side


Yea, and I don't absolve Blizzard of blame here - they seem to facilitate that kind of gameplay while forsaking the good stuff (story, lore) that had a lot of effort put into it.

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Once you hit 50, and engage in PVE content or PVP your companion can no longer accompany you. These aspects are traditionally what is focused on at max level. They can still assist you crafting and such, however I am let down by they focus on companions all the way up to 50 and the let down of not being able to utilize them.


You cant use them in raids or PVP, this was known before the game was launched. Not sure where you expected to use your companion. OIpen world yes, questing, yes (ilum no) and crafting, this is common knowledge in the tor community. Other things might be in the pipe line further down the line

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The game really dons't have alot going on for it atm beside PVE and PVP, and to boot most people say they hate Ilum world pvp. I understand that you CAN bring your companion out and fiddle with it even at max level. But doing the things that the game focuses on they are not a part of. Exception of crafting


Again this is subjective to what you do at endgame not everyone.

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It's done differently. Not better. Stop saying "better" because it's subjective.


For me, storytelling is "worse" in TOR because it breaks immersion, leaves no room for imagination, and slows the gameplay down. And I'd go so far as to say that the tales themselves aren't as epic. The Lich King vs. Darth Malgus? Not even close.


Wait, you have stated that WoW is 'better' but I cannot state that SWTOR is better?


And LK is a raid, Malagus was a FP iirc.


Also, LK was a wimp. Arthus was whiny kid prince that lost his poor horse, got some armor and a sword, and had his mind basically taken by the real LK...whom was a wimp that got pwnd and killed earlier.


The fight wasn't epic imo. It was just memorization. It took what, 2-3 weeks for HM kills...and he was bugged out the arse.

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As a side note to companions endgame:


At the guild summit they were saying that with the 1.2 companions bonuses + well geared companions they foresee 2-manning HM FPs in the future.


Assuming people aren't doing it already.


Also I think there's a good chance there will be more companion content incoming.

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Again this is subjective to what you do at endgame not everyone.


You can RP with your companion, and the things you mentioned before would be considered RP elements. Affection and so forth. However if you look at the server list count the number of RP servers and consider how important that is to most people. It can be said that for most companions are useless at max level

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sorry but what, are you somehow stating that you can only gather and craft within a hub, this is the case in other games but not this one. And your grinding the affection of your companions to make them better crafters and gatherers.


Sure you can go out there (but you can't craft of course). Do you? And, is that your end game activity? Gathering for months until a patch or expansion?


Affection is an extremely minute adjustment, to the tune of 1% or so effectiveness in their abilities. Hardly worth the time and coin spent. Not to mention across all of your companions. That's known as an un-fun grind. Oh, and were's the story in that?

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As a side note to companions endgame:


At the guild summit they were saying that with the 1.2 companions bonuses + well geared companions they foresee 2-manning HM FPs in the future.


Assuming people aren't doing it already.


Also I think there's a good chance there will be more companion content incoming.


Yes it was stated on gamebreaker tv that hk would become an available companion.

Edited by Shingara
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Wait, you have stated that WoW is 'better' but I cannot state that SWTOR is better?


And LK is a raid, Malagus was a FP iirc.


Also, LK was a wimp. Arthus was whiny kid prince that lost his poor horse, got some armor and a sword, and had his mind basically taken by the real LK...whom was a wimp that got pwnd and killed earlier.


The fight wasn't epic imo. It was just memorization. It took what, 2-3 weeks for HM kills...and he was bugged out the arse.


The story and lore of the Lich King and how he came to be was much more epic than that of Malgus... if he even has a story.

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Sure you can go out there (but you can't craft of course). Do you? And, is that your end game activity? Gathering for months until a patch or expansion?


Affection is an extremely minute adjustment, to the tune of 1% or so effectiveness in their abilities. Hardly worth the time and coin spent. Not to mention across all of your companions. That's known as an un-fun grind. Oh, and were's the story in that?


i can craft no matter what im doing, playing space, in a flashpoint or in a operation, that goes to gathering and running crew skills missions. And affection improves critical success and time taken to craft or run missions.

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Yes it was stated on gamebreaker tv that hk would become an available companion.


If companions are useless to a max level player, adding more dosn't really mean anything to that player.


However if they allow players to use companions for real in end game flash points as substitutes so you can 2 man them. that I would consider a good use of your companion

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If companions are useless to a max level player, adding more dosn't really mean anything to that player.


However if they allow players to use companions for real in end game flash points as substitutes so you can 2 man them. that I would consider a good use of your companion


Again companions are aparently only useless to yourself, to me they are a great thing for endgame. so its subjective to what you do at endgame.

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Has Lethality shed some of his ardent defense of every bioware decision ever made that he staunchly maintained pre-launch?


I don't think I've ever defended them to be quite honest. Maybe you have me confused with someone else.


There is no harder working group of developers out there that want nothing more to make an awesome game. The path to getting there though hasn't been as smooth as I had hoped and expected.

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The story and lore of the Lich King and how he came to be was much more epic than that of Malgus... if he even has a story.


Wow, you're dising Malgus?


He is one of the most iconic characters in SW EU.


You must be trolling me.

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