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Looking for a sever with good pop and good Empire RP


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I'm planning on coming back to the game and will probably play a Sith warrior. I enjoy pvping a lot and heavy RPing. I'm looking for a server where people actually RP and where the names of players and guilds actually reflect that (nothing breaks my immersion more than seeing "hamburgerz" or "UmaDbro" named players running around).


I heard that Lord Adraas and Sanctum are good for Empire RP but I'm looking for your input.




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With your attitude, I am not surprised with your server choice.


This was a tongue in cheek remark (point of the smiley face) and wasn't meant to come off as rude to anyone. My apologies if it did. About the Lord Adrass server, don't know what's wrong with it. Very good pop and RP, low level of BS in chat, widespread adherence to RP names, everything I was looking for.

Edited by Pathlight-
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About the Lord Adrass server, don't know what's wrong with it. Very good pop and RP, low level of BS in chat, widespread adherence to RP names, everything I was looking for.


Don't worry. There is nothing wrong with LA. Some people just enjoy making snarky comments for no reason.

Edited by Darth_Slaine
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Who was being snarky? My observation is based on past experience.


Still no reason to put down a server so blatantly. Insults are insults. Snarkiness is snarkiness. Instead of saying, "Yea, given your attitude, of course you went to LA." you could say, "In my experience... Blah blah blah." Your attitude does you, and your server, a disservice.

Edited by Guildrum
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Let's keep it real. Honesty is the best policy.


Who was being snarky? My observation is based on past experience.


This is what you said...



With your attitude, I am not surprised with your server choice.


That is a snarky one-liner dismissing a player and an entire server. There is nothing to the post that could be considered constructive. Let us keep it real, indeed.


While personal experience of each server will vary, the communities themselves are very similar. An extreme dislike of a server -- the sort that prompts people to go into threads and insult people based on nothing more than a server tag-- speaks more about the individual than it does about the object of their ire.




edit: Curses. Guildrum beat me to it.

Edited by Darth_Slaine
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