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1.2 counter meaures


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I want to start off by saying this is not a complaint thread. I'm looking for thoughts and suggestions. I understand that we don't know exactly how things will play out after the patch, but here's what I'm concerned about.


As of now, on the server I play on I get bombarded with Lightning and Tracer Missle spam. That is the only time that I counter with Grav Round spam.


I'm not to worried about being bombed with tracer missles any more since they are getting adjusted as well, but as far as I can tell Force Lightning isn't going to be doing any less damage. What thoughts do the other pro. Trooper's think will be a decent counter measure for lightning spam? Do you think that simply relying on Full Auto and Demolition round will do it? Or maybe I've overlooked something else that might help.


Please share your thoughts.

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You are still going to get tracer missle spam...only now the actual burst damage from troopers/BH will be more. So you will see average tracer hits in the 2000-2200 range and will be hit for between 5-7k from instants when they are popping their stimpacks and trinkets...the cry for nerfs is going to get louder. 10% less sustained damage for 10% more burst damage...most pvpers are going to actually call that a buff.
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My biggest issues as a Combat Medic are:


1) Lack of utility to counter interrupts, stun locks, snares, roots.

2) Resolve mechanics should be revised: my knockback and stun will fill their resolve, whereas at times I get pushed, knocked back, rooted quite a few times before I get a full resolves and usually by that time i'm at 10% health.

3) Also, resolve should kick in when I'm out of the movement impairing effect, not while I have an 8 second stun on me and by the time I get out of said stun I only have 2 seconds of resolve left.

4) Cleansing or Field Aid should remove all DOTs not just 2 - dots from different people stack here - so when just one person can put 3 dots on me (marauders for example: a stack of 3 bleeding DOTs and then two more individual bleed DOTS) and then another person can put his 1-3 DOTS on me, then I'm ticking down 2.5k a second + his instant damage.


If anything I'd love to see points 1 and 4 looked at.

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