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Reason For Not Having Selectable Warzones?


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Because everyone wants to play Huttball 5 times in a row on a saturday on a heavily populated server............I really do not understand this move by Bioware and it's force fed PvP nature. So many other MMOs out there let you choose which warzone you want to participate in........why not TOR?
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Wow, people aren't thinking are they..


You are getting huttball because there isnt enough pubs to populate the faction warzones. If you eliminate huttball from the mix, you get no wz's. To simulate you option to choose... just dont que.


They are increasing the same faction warzones, but still some complain. Faction v faction only works when the other faction cues in the same numbers. The mix of WZ's will be better after 1.2 but they will be same faction unless the pubs get their numbers up or they actually cue up.

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that still does not address the fact there are no selectable warzones.......it's ridiculous


Actually it does address it perfectly. Once they implement cross server there will be selectable WZs. Until then it is not feasible as it will cause queue times to jump into the realm of unenjoyable to completely non existent as those 4 WZ's your server has going suddenly has 1/3 queuing for each WZ and thus only 1 managing to get enough people together.

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It's because the individual servers do not have enough people (population) queuing to actually give you a choice... if we had X-Server queues we could probably pick our poison. Until then be glad you can occasionally get in a group...
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