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How should you be geared for BT HM?

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I joined a group this morning for BT HM and the bonus droid boss kept enraging and wiping us. I ended up checking our team's gear (I am in full Champion) and what I saw surprised me. The tank had Columni gear which was fine, I didn't get a chance to check our healer, but the other DPS had all level 47 gear. He hadn't even done any dailies for mods. I know BT HM is the easiest one but shouldn't you at least be geared up with daily mods for it?
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Meh, you don't need purples to run BT, but greens might be a bit poor for a dps to have. I think the first time I did BT way back in december we were all in blues, possibly some greens as well, and didn't hit enrage timer on any boss.
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I joined a group this morning for BT HM and the bonus droid boss kept enraging and wiping us. I ended up checking our team's gear (I am in full Champion) and what I saw surprised me. The tank had Columni gear which was fine, I didn't get a chance to check our healer, but the other DPS had all level 47 gear. He hadn't even done any dailies for mods. I know BT HM is the easiest one but shouldn't you at least be geared up with daily mods for it?


Since most gear raises both Endurance and another main stat, the HP value is a good indicator. I think around 15k is good to start doing HM BT. The DPS in all lvl 47 gear, without even some purple daily mods in there, was likely undergeared for it.

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I ran it for the first time on my tank about a week ago; I had mostly blues with two greens, I think, and two oranges with daily mods. The rest of the group wasn't much better. We wiped twice on the bonus droid, but had no trouble with the rest of the bosses. The droid has a tight enrage timer, so he's tougher then the rest in general. I don't think it matters much what gear you have if you just do the regular bosses, but the bonus boss may require a bit extra. This is by far the easiest FP on either side in the game, so you should be able to beat it as a perfectly fresh 50.
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