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Xp boost to address low server pop?


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Do you guys/gals think the xp boost in legacy with 1.2 is to rush more ppl to end game considering the server pops are so low?


Reason I say this is because leveling in this mmo has to be the fastest in any mmo to date as is. I had two lvl 50s by month 3. With the boost from legacy I can only imagine the amount of alts at 50 from the core base.


Is this a bandaid on a real problem? And does this address the issue effectively?

Edited by Irishbrewed
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Do you guys/gals think the xp boost in legacy with 1.2 is to rush more ppl to end game considering the server pops are so low?


Reason I say this is because leveling in this mmo has to be the fastest in any mmo to date as is. I had two lvl 50s by month 3. With the boost from legacy I can only imagine the amount of alts at 50 from the core base.


Is this a bandaid on a real problem?





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I think the game already levels fast enougth.


A same server LFG tool is needed IMO to find other players. I appreciate a tool already exists but it needs to be made more "user friendly"


Expecting players to hang around in fleet waiting for flash point with nothing to do is not a good thing.


Personally I never hang around in fleet. I have no problems finding groups however. My server some would say it was dead which is not the truth.


Same server LFG and ability to transfer to a different server for those who need more population would help IMO.

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1.2 doesn't have any exp boosts from what I've seen. That's coming in 1.3.


And no, not every change/addition to a MMO is motivated by hidden agendas. geez.


In the legacy system xp boost are coming. Via sprint at lvl one and increased exp from warzones/flashpoints.


And they have avoided any direct question of low server pops to this point. Not one Q&A hass included the question.

Edited by Irishbrewed
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Bioware wants as many people to stay until The Secret World comes out as possible.


Then EA pulls the plug and moves on.


Like they do with all their mediocre money grabber games.


When does EA force a straight cash shop into SWTOR? Cause u know that DLC loving company will.

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