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For those on Terentatek (open-world PvP community)


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I've been doing warzones since I hit 10...I'm 16 now after a couple of days and the leveling is real slow. Better start questing so I can hit the 25ish levels where the action is.


Practice makes perfect mate. I encountered some horrid players in O-WPvP

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I have just rerolled to this server from The Fatman Sith, the queues are terrible there so i have come here and gone Republic hopefully we can help balance the server even more.


It's getting there. I am curious to see how it will fare after launch.

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Anything going down on Tatooine lately? I've been questing in the Jundland Wastes and I haven't seen an Imperial yet. Are all you guys out in the Dune Sea?


We'll be doing a little hunting party with our guild tonight on Tatooine. Hope to see ya'll there ;)

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We'll be doing a little hunting party with our guild tonight on Tatooine. Hope to see ya'll there ;)


Beat you to it brother, I spent the last hour and a half killing unsuspecting Sith. Final count: me 20, them 4. No, I'm not a 50, the biggest difference in levels was 4. Killing people on Tatooine is really not difficult when you can catch them alone and sneak up with stealth.

Edited by AdmiralOnasi
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/wave to fellow Tarantatekians


Yeah, the numbers (both in raw numbers and number of high-level players) seems very skewed towards the Empire at the moment. It'll even out eventually, I'm not worried.


I had my first taste of real open-world PvP earlier today, and I realized that my toolbar setup is not at all conducive to it. Time to do some tweaking when I get home from work.

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Saga last night you gusy joined forces with other republic guilds but what would happend if it where you against us(Das Ubel), we were 8 only vs 30, outnumbered 3 to 1 and you guys had a hard time ;:)..


ask kraza, ara, audiovisual and the otheres that were there. in alderan getting stopmed!


just hope to see you guys there more often :D



p.d. tell kraza to first check the area before jumping me (Pana'kuva) again


p.d. sorry for typos :(

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Saga last night you gusy joined forces with other republic guilds but what would happend if it where you against us(Das Ubel), we were 8 only vs 30, outnumbered 3 to 1 and you guys had a hard time ;:)..


ask kraza, ara, audiovisual and the otheres that were there. in alderan getting stopmed!


just hope to see you guys there more often :D



p.d. tell kraza to first check the area before jumping me (Pana'kuva) again


p.d. sorry for typos :(



To set the record straight, it was just saga at the beginning. At first there were 5-6 of us against your 12-15ish.


We picked up other randoms when we were pushed all the way back to our town.

The highest number of people in our ops group at one time was 10. I wish we had recorded this for proof but you will just have to take my word for it.


To say that it was 3v1 is bizarre. Maybe you guys lost some members or something but it was definitely not 3v1 for us until the very end when we couldn't find you or you went off somewhere to regroup.


Either way, it was fun. I don't care who won, I think it was fairly even especially that you had a 50 shadow to roflstomp the healers / run away and never be dismounted.

Edited by Frehas
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Join The Ryke

Guild is Empire

How to join: contact one of the following characters (if we are not online, send us an in-game mail)







Are you tired of seeing the Empire going down the drain? Help promote the purity of the Empire and join The Ryke! We're looking to forward the power of our cause and need soldiers! If you pass our strict standards of entry, you will be placed in a probationary position (OB1, Soldat) until the management deems you worthy of full membership (OB2, Gefreiter). That could be a week, or an hour; that is up to you. Upon further activity and involvment within the guild (get to know us better) will help advance you to ranks of the officers.

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