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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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What will happen to guilds who cannot get their entire membership into the same server becuase the fill up?



This is a non-issue. Guilds have already been given servers, if the server is full, just wait in the que....Amazing huh!? ;)

Edited by Jediwran
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Yay I preordered 3 weeks ago \o/. Loose I'd say.

The funny thing is: The shop were I bought it said that they just packed my game and send it to me. So I guess in 2 days or even tomorrow I will have the game. Before the 'Early-Game Access'.

That kinda funny and sad.

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Vin Diesel was the first player let into the game today. He screamed at the screen for 1 minute straight and hit 50. He then sat back laughing at us all waiting for access while eating a fillet of children on whole wheat sandwich.


He also does not shave his head, his hair is simply to scared to grow.......

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This isn't an accurate status server, simply because people are still @ work or @ the gym or whatever they doing in their routine. Its not weekend, its Tuesday !!! Even at supposedly peak times (18:00 - 23:00 for games), servers won't be heavy loaded until Friday.


Will be a huge mistake to release many waves today, based on the servers' traffic right now. If they release 5-10 waves everyday @ weekend would have many crashes and huge queues.


Only about 25% of the invites of every wave would actually play the game right now.


So the status of servers isn't accurate.


If that was really the case it would be inevitable since people will eventually all hit a weekend they are playing on after release anyway.

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So what about us UK folk that pre-ordered from GAME, where GAME actually messed up and sent pre-order codes a whole week after people had actually pre-ordered?


That's something out of our control and we're getting shafted for a retailers mistake?

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Hmm, this is getting nowhere. I think Bioware should change their tactics and send invitations based on swtor.com sign up date, not preorder date.


That way you would continue to complain here, while I would already play since I'm here since early 2009. :)


Just kidding, don't crucify me. :D

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With all due respect to Bioware, I already know where this was heading. You are hyping the game up and wanting to have the most pre sales than World of Warcraft by offering early game access. From what I've been told, the servers are at medium. I don't see how you are testing stability when medium means 50-75% full. From what I do know, servers begin to be unstable at 90% of population. IMHO, you are hurting your integrity by doing this. Does it really take you 24hrs to determine if servers that are on medium are stable enough to play on in order to get wave 5 sent out?.



someones already said only 4 waves today on the dev log... so were screwed i guess

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Official or unofficial if the game has started its launched and it sucks to sit back and wait when everyone bought the same game. The whole appeal to MMOs is that you can play with your friends. Not so when you all have different release dates that you do not even know because your stuck stairing at your email smaping refresh...


Open it up to everyone and deal with the chaos, it will not be as bad as you anticipate. TOR will go on.



Edited by ihearthaters
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Wow!! Do some of you realize how childish you sound? I mean this is a game. Last I checked, this game does not determine if you live or die. Yes I pre - ordered this game and no, I haven't received my EGA. I am not complaining because it clearly states "UP TO 5 DAYS EARLY" in all disclaimers. So if I get access on Dec 19th at 11:00 pm, that is still EA for the game.


As far as BW not opening it up for everyone, just imagine a levee break or a dam collapse.


good for you!! They said up to 5 days, great, THEY said EA is based on when you redeemed your code, LIE. It's been proven. So how can you trust anything you are told by them? or are you just a fanboi

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I don't understand this release mentality. You design a game, you build the infrastructure to support that game. Then you roll out that game to the masses.


With the pre-orders you know hey.. I sold 120,000 copies of it.. Perhaps my servers should be able to handle the load of AT-LEAST 120,000 people.. That is not rocket science.. And then you also run a beta test load test to see how your infrastructure will work to support a load of X users and how it will handle it all..


Awesome now that we have that out of the way, why this baby girl waves of invites? This is not raging so don't think it is. This is about one thing and one thing only poor administration already.


I for one want to play this game. I do not feel I am entitled to play it, no I WANT to play it. Just like everyone else. And yet I sit here waiting for my special invite to give them MORE money to play a game that they WANT me to pay for. So for the argument of entitled.. Yes.. They entitled me to play this game by SELLING it and I bought it. To then say things like you stand in lines for rides at an amusement park this is no different.. It is.. IT CLEARLY is different.. Parks have a physical limit. This is digital. They have numbers for administrating this.. 1 server can hold 5000 users. We have 120,000 users we need 24 servers for that and 2 more servers for overhead.


Am I more special then anyone else? Heck no.. But we circle back to the original statement that they SHOULD know the load and already be able to handle this.. If they cant what does that say for how this game is going to run in the future?


My god I hope they get it right.. As this is already boding wrong.. I fear for the support for this game already.


PLEASE don't be broken.. I loved the beta test and this game and I REALLY want to not play other MMOs and play this one and be happy..


/rant off

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less then 200 posts before we hit the 1000 mark and a new thread will be made!!!! keep up the good work all!


in other news, I think this game should of made it clear from the start that those who pre ordered and REDEMED their code would get early "early" access to the game and that all those that preordered would have the chance to get early access 5 days, instead of the 7 days some are getting today.

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