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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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They are treating it as first come first serve when dealing with a massive pool of customers and a legitimate concern/inability to service them all at once that is the single fairest way to treat people.


And it is a real concern that every single one of the pre-orders log into their servers at once immediately once they get access to the game that their servers will crash, become 1000% laggy and will generally screw the entire player base for their eagerness to play the game. Thats how sites and other online services crash by being overloaded by requests (basic forum of internet hackers use to crash another sites servers is to spam them until they crash duh)


Considering the first several waves went ahead of schedule and early access got bumped up like 2 days a week or so ago any ETA they would give out would likely not be followed to heart and they should know this.


Just chill out and play another game for awhile.


The main concern... reserving character names.


The proper way to handle this would have been to allow pre-order customers to reserve names on the web without staggering game server entry.

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This is to STORMRIGIRL - you posted this:


Originally Posted by Stormrigirl

""I think they have failed the gaming community and the damage is done. It will take a miracle for them to make this fiasco right. The reality they planned early access ALL WRONG...



That are Treating EGA as a stress Beta and that is a terrible LIE to paying customers....so they are admitting their servers MAY not be able to handle all the people that have already paid for the game?


How else is it to be interpreted other than the servers can not handle the launch ??????


I am worried I paid 90 bucks for a game with terrible servers and service...


and no one talks about the Grace Period at all I guess it is a dead issue now?


My Pre-order said nothing about "waves" and staggered invites this is BULL CRAP! PERIOD!



Except no one IS a paying customer yet. as even the access time etc with the game isnt valid yet.


and besides there isnt a single person on my current server who wasnt July 21st/22nd/23rd """""





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You guys do realize 70% and more of the ppl who'll play this game pre-ordered right?


You guys realize that this is more like a release than there will ever be right?


You realize that the people playing later than today actually have late access instead of early access right?



Forget how Bioware calls it for a second and see it for what it is. October/November/December guys, you'll get late access the way this is slowly progressing.


Another great point

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I am sorry, but if they are only doing 4 waves today and everything went smoothly, they really should invite more people in beyond their initial projections. Not doing so is just being inconsiderate. If Beta could hold a higher amount of players, then this can too.


With that said, if they were having major problems, by all means hold back the flood of players. But they are not.


It should have just been a rolling launch, slowly bringing in more and more players. Instead, we have this 4 waves a day nonsense.

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You PAID $5.......................wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

They said early access was on the 15th then said the 13th................wahhhhhhhhhh

Your tears on the forums mean nothing to Bioware since they are more concerned about the actual game and not the forum tears.

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It's a bit hilarious how many complains can be sent in a couple of secs on a forum, my refresh buton can't keep up rofl.:D


Anyway I'm waiting for the greatly appreciated mail aswell. Game dics are here within the next 2 days, so that will work out for me, have to work during day time so it's not such a big deal to be first in or in the ext upcomming days.


That said, from what i've seen so far in the beta trails, it's worth the wait ;):p

Edited by MWesterweele
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