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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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Sorry Bioware


But your system, apart being a security belt for your release date, is a source of frustration for all the players.


Did we all pre order? yes

Did we all pay the same price? yes

Did we buy the same product? yes


So why dont we have all the same customer service (i.e game access) ?


Such act is barely legal in some countries...

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Guys, only 4 waves today makes a lot of sense. Out of the people invited so far, not NEARLY everyone got to play yet. Many are stuck at school, work, etc., and will be for the next 3-7 hrs. When they all get home, all hell is going to break loose. If that period coincides with a 5th wave, the servers will explode. They have to make sure the servers will survive the primetime tonight, with what they already have. Depending on how it plays out, it could mean more/less waves tomorrow.


bingo, there is logic in the madness

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July 21-24 wave crap, okay that would be fine, except you have some people that registered after say november and they are getting in, not good.


Good Q.A. work there. You'd think it was blizzard not Bioware, but I do remember EA is envolved. EA explains the server issues, not the brainless Q.A., well...


For all the people complaining about I want in today, it was "You may play up to 5 days early!", so let it go last I checked today is the 13th. We never paid for early access, they basically were trying to get us in if they could, is a good way to look at it.


But I guess we should all just let it go, since this is just free "possible" (meaning you may or may not get to) time to play before the 20th. Wait till the 20th then troll and nerd rage over how you couldn't get on, or because of the huge queue.


Now quit making so much noise I am going back to bed, and waiting till I feel better, or release comes out. Don't wake me up again, or I will force choke you all!


May the force be with you all, till your heads explode from fanboy trolling.

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This thread will be the fond 'release day' memory that I look back on.


- Not getting eatten by level 1 rats while my friends run around in circles in terror and confusion.


-Not spawn camping a lootable quest item.


-Not a general sense of wonder and awe stepping out into a new world.


-Not having a showdown kitten fight with some other low levels in open world pvp.


Yeah, this thread is epic. I will remember this thread.

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Like I said earlier - if anyone thinks that this whole email wave garbage was a good idea, you are high as a kite.


If they wanted to stagger it they should have sent out e-mails before hand with our wave number/time so people didn't take off of work for the wrong days, etc.


It's just poor form to string customers out like this, and if you disagree you are flat out wrong. Just because you can do it doesn't mean you should.


you were promised up to 5 days, now they are randomly doing up to 7 and you still whine?


unless you plan to quit next week, who cares? its not like you will be behind for long


you probably shouldnt have been planning for the game to be available until the 20th

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Mate, im joining you, this is brilliant, as a december pre-orderer im not expecting EGA til later this week, anything before that is a bonus to me, so reading these QQers posts is epic


Same here this is outstanding entertainment value. I especially like seeing all the ones who can't read and took the day off work bahahahahahaha:p:D

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Cant wait to log back online to play :)


If you are already in, I love your sense of humor....lol. Everyone is so entitled now and has to have everthing right now! We have all waited years for this and you want to raise your blood pressure to play a game. Everyone take a deep breath....it will be alright.


Enjoy the game man....keep us updated on what, if anything, has changed.

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Worst launch i have experienced so far. Atleast on other games while it crashed i was able to make my toon and secure my name. The first wave people will be a very large advantage being out of zones that are massively full.


I do have to say i think this early access is pretty lame not getting specific's when you will be able to play just sit next too your computer for 7 days.


MOst other games did their testing in open beta which swtor never did.

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Jesus: Turned water into wine.

Amy Winehouse: Turned wine into money.

MMO Gamers: Turned in money to whine.

More MMO Gamers: Turned whine into water (tears).



Soooo ya, I think this is officially the first sign of the apocalypse......

Either that or someone is about to burst in singing "The Circle of Life"...


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Now, where's my popcorn. This thread is sooo glorious in all it's trolling, crying, not understanding what "up to" means and asking of beta chars kept. Glorious.

I won't get in today, and propably not tomorrow either, but I can hope. I'm in the latter part of preorders, as in, late november late, so I can be happy if I get in on thursday or friday. Anything before that, and I'll be happy.

Tbh, I'll be happy with one or two days before the official launch, just to get out of the early areas.

So everyone, please, if you haven't even preordered during july, take a chill pill, go take a nap, play some more "arrow to the knee" or some other game. Watch a movie and have a good day otherwise. There propably, really is nothing to see here.

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For those of you who wonder and for some reason care why people who preordered are complaining....


They dont care what day was promised, how many days or anything like that. All they care about is that other people are playing right now. some who preordered after them or the same time or a month before.


They want to play as soon as possible. How is that hard to understand? and why do you care that they are complaining?


I completely understand because I want to play too if the servers are up and playable.

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