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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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2 of my guild are now in and loving it,


and many eagerly watching there emails hehe


Glad there having in there and cant wait to get in to join them.

Also just had my email, my CE has been despatched and its on its way home ;)


whoohoo not an early access email but its still a beutifull email lol


be awesome to open that its here tomorrow



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I'm not an angry person.. I understand Bio / EA's reasoning behind the "waves"... They want their little gold star on the rare "MMO's with a clean, smooth launch" posterboard, especially one of this magnitude.


I just can't see how they couldn't have planned to be doing more for their pre-order customer base at a faster pace.


In having open beta / stress testing, they have been aware of what their servers can handle. Couple that with knowing how many preorder's they had and assuming 90% of them would be online today wanting to play (always overshoot!) - and I'm left wondering how they couldn't project they would need more servers to be opened than clearly what they've done today, with supposedly only one more wave left for today...


Yes, staggering entry is great for stability - not so good for friends wanting to log in and play together from the start... Great for boasting to the game development community about their smooth launch - not so great for pre-ordering customers from july & august who assumed they would be on board and playing by now, who may have possibly taken time off work, or at least scheduled themselves accordinly...


And what IS the deal with only one more wave? Are you all just going to go home early, and call it a day while the swarms of game-thirsty players chomp at the bit pawing at the login gates hopelessly? It's not like you don't have additional servers already in place to open and allow additional room & access, right?.. I mean, you're not having them FED-EX'd to you tonight for tomorrow's waves? (lol)...


And again, I come back to the knowledge you've had for months about the number of preorders patiently waiting these past several months.


Should you not have your entire team working around the clock to open servers, and have waves more often than once an hour, and more than just 4 in total today?


... Before all of the happily contented popcorn eaters sling their "crybaby's" at me, let me first freely admit to it before you do so. Yes, I'm a crybaby. I wanted to be playing today, and (apparently) mistakenly assumed Bioware / EA would be handling things so that a JULY 26 code-entery customer could be doing so.. (silly me!)..


And I also freely admit that had I been accepted already, I wouldn't be here moaning, and instead smiling, clicking my keys and mouse, enjoying the flashing lights, without a care for those I left behind on the forums... But well... here I find myself, with nothing better to do while waiting for wave 4 in an uneasy desperation, flabberghasted at how this early access wasn't handled in a speedier, efficient, and wider-ranging manner given everything they've known about up to this point.


/crymode off... time to make a sammich.. fingers crossed, but hope levels @ under 10%.

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Just look at that if you want to know for sure when the waves are sent out.


It's better that they are sending out their invites in waves so they don't run into problems. They probably expected people to get upset, too. Either way just be patient, everyone who pre-ordered will get their EGA, it's a first come first serve situation pretty much, so be patient and have a cookie.

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Considering 90% of servers are LIGHT & no queue times i think bioware is having a laugh.







*psychotic valley girl voice*

oh...HELL NO.






I'...ok, I'M REALLY disappointed now.



Considering 90% of servers are LIGHT & no queue times i think bioware is having a laugh.






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I put in my code on the 27th of July but when i went to my account it said that i never redeemed it which is odd because there's another screen that says i did. o.O


That is referring to the full version code that no one has received yet

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the thing i don't get, the whole stance of.


"We don't know who all is getting in cuz we'll be inviting throughout the day"




"Just kidding only one more wave sometime around noon, still plenty of time left, could have told everyone who was getting in today with this knowledge"

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lol 47 pages on the recreated post. I'd suggest just having a moderator only post and open separate one for venting. I pre-ordered Deluxe edition last week (as the collector's edn isn't downloadable) seeing as the July people are the only ones getting in now, I expect I won't be in til Christmas so maybe I'll play kotor 2 to get in the mood :) Edited by HaniObaid
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The only thing i dont understand is that people logging today will also log tomorrow and every day until the 20th.


how is this helping the servers? instead of 1M ppl logging today, they got 100k logging today, 250k logging tomorrow, and 1M logging 2 days from now.


it will stugger when everyone has their early access anyway, i dont see how going by waves helps the fact that when everyone can login, everyone will.


than you dont understand server structure. a "world server" is not a single computer, it is a network of many computers


by staggering the launch you spread players over a variety of computers in the infrastructure instead of having them all bottleneckedin one place


if you have 1 million people all trying to get in at once, your log in computer is swamped. if you have 1 million people at level 1, than your newbie area computers are going to be swamped


with staggering you have people spread out, some logging in, some in low lvl zones, some in various mid level zones and thus no one computer in the infrastructure is dealing with as large a mass at once

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I can't understand how so many people are upset already about not being able to play the second the early access began. I was under the impression that all the children were still in school today. Calm down and I am sure they will let you into the game as soon as they are able to..... Although I think it would be super awesome if people who cry about not being let in 1st had their early game access pushed back by a day or 2. (You know you want to Bioware)
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