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Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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... thats what the QQ is about...


Most of the people that redeemed their code MONTHS ago, STILL haven't gotten in...


I only redeemed mine last month, but I understand there are people before me, so I'm no complaining... I'm actually upset that the order is so weird... c'mon Bioware...

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Since WoW launched EGA has been if you pre-order you ALL get the same advantage. You are giving them your money BEFORE a product even exists. When alot of people pre-order there was no hint of this BS staggering system. If there was alot of us might have ordered earlier or even told them to screw themselves. Now the "lucky" few that got in today have the full advantage and will get ALL world and server first! End of story. That is BS!! Now scrubs will get to 50 b4 people who accually put in hard earned time and research into the game. Bioware screwed this EGA / Launch up royally. During the "stress test" They had ALOT more people coming in at a much faster rate. ***....... Unacceptable!
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I am sure this Q has been asked before but I dont feel like going tru 100+ pages to find it.


I am just wondering how far in the dates have wave 4 come? for example wave 1 started with ppl redeemed their codes around 21th of June. I redeemed kinda late so would be nice to know how many dates 1 wave conclude.

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Whatever happens in the next 2 days remember, we're getting a possible 2 days earlier early access so stop all the hating if you didn't get in, don't like how they're doing it etc etc etc and also remember, at the moment we're not customers. We'll be customers from the 20th.


Keep calm. Its happening and happening soon. What's a few more days after the years of waiting....:)


You idiot off course we are customers, most people have parted with hard earned cash to allow them to gain early access. It's irrelevant that Bioware have not taken a subscription from anyone yet.


As echoed by most here, I think the launch stinks. I have been party to much slicker more organized launches than this. I bought my game in July, and still have not received any invitation.


I was part of Trions 3 Pre-Betas and Early launch for Rift, and although on initial release in Europe the servers were swamped, they released around 16 more European servers in under 3 hours! Now that is preparation and customer service.


Perhaps EA and Bioware need to have a chat to them so they may understand what customer service really is and how to keep your paying customers happy.


Bioware state that invitations for playing before official release could continue for the next 7 days on some news sites. can you imagine buying your copy in July 2011 and then gain access 1 day before release date! I would be seriously peeved! And that's putting it bluntly and understating how fed up I would be.


It's a poor launch and all this stress testing should have taken place during the beta's..


I think the pre-release has been a dreadful failure.. Great if your lucky to have been drawn from the Bioware lottery but there appears to be no logic to their access methods.


Just to prove a point whilst typing, a friend who purchased yesterday just got access!! OMG

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9/8 purchase and actiuvation. If people that purchased in Oct and Nov are playing, why am I not?


And yes, I have checked my email 10-15 minutes, and reluanch the game browser.


Because they are not. And just making you wind up :)

So far only people in July have been granted access according to my information...

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